Any Naturals Successfully Use Heat Weekly ....

I had a post about this awhile back when I was trying to decide between staying natural or going relaxed. Personally, I couldn't stay pressed because my hair is very fine (thinned out from bad pressing and braids) and couldn't take weekly heat from the hairdresser - marcell irons, who knows what heat protectant.

Also, I had inferior heat tools and protectants at home which is why I stopped pressing and curling my own hair.

I think weekly heat wouldn't be too much if you or your stylist are always careful and didn't use too high of a heat, but one bad press can really damage your hair. On the other hand, one bad relaxer can really damage your hair AND scalp, which is worse.

I chose relaxed, b/c as long as the relaxer/touch ups are done well (keeping hope alive on this one), my hair will thrive.
I'm a 3c/4a natural and I use heat WEEKLY. I tend to blow dry because my natural hair is not in a state where it can be worn naturally without looking like a poodle that hasn't been brushed (but we're working on that).

So yea, I blow dry weekly, without fail and occassionally flat iron.

I posted some information on flat irons in the "vote for your flat iron" thread - but for the most part, I have found Ceramic Tourmaline flat irons to be the best for my natural head. They don't get too hot, yet they get the kinks out, usually with one MAYBE too pulls through my hair.

It's possible to use the heat regularly, you just have to be more conscious of the chemicals you put in your hair and what you do with your hair on a daily basis.
Alli77 said:
Ali77, was it more splitting than usual?

I do notice more dryness and mid shaft splits and breakage. My grandma does protective styles 99% of the time, I know its' cause of the heat why her hair is acting up.

So called "protective styling" can cause breakage too...especially the mid shaft variety.
naptrl said:
I live in SOUTH Georgia! In the hottest city in GA!! I think that you have to go to a hair dresser who really knows how to press. My hair never reverts until I wash it. My hair dresser coats it with some type of wax that keeps the moisture out. Even after a work out, if you've seen my album, it's still straight.

I got my hair pressed in Georgia once (Atlanta, to be exact). I thought she would be a good stylist. She was in several hair books and such. This woman pressed my hair way too hard. She use some type of cream and holding spray, and when I got home from my vacation a few days later my hair was falling out (long strands). I had spots on my head that were 1 inch long...That was an awful experience.
I may try it if I go natural ... I figure it can't be any worse than when my mom washed my hair and pressed my hair weekly as a child ... and I had plush hair back then. We'll see ... Thanks for the responses, ladies.
im too afraid to press. it took me nearly a year (since being natural) to finally use a blow dryer on a low setting...

one day i will press it, but i want my hair to revert!
mscounselor said:
I'll be in South Florida with ocean air humidity. My only problem is I dont know anyone who is willing enough to just let me transition without giving me ther perm talk (you need a perm or why are you doing that?) I suppose I shouldn't press my hair until I do.
Since i live in humid Altanta Metro, I'll probably not be pressing or anything...I had considered trying another blowout to see how they last in this weather.

That "You need a perm" talk can be very discouraging, but keep you mind set on what YOU want mscounselor
jwhitley6 said:
I got my hair pressed in Georgia once (Atlanta, to be exact). I thought she would be a good stylist. She was in several hair books and such. This woman pressed my hair way too hard. She use some type of cream and holding spray, and when I got home from my vacation a few days later my hair was falling out (long strands). I had spots on my head that were 1 inch long...That was an awful experience.
I'm sorry to hear that. That's why I go to a little country hair dresser in south georgia. She knows what she's doing...although she does use a little too much heat sometimes...but overall everybody who gets a press from her is beyond brastrap and close to waist length.
At the salon today I ran into a friend from a long time ago. We used to work together but I have not seen her in years. She has been natural for about five years but always flat irons her hair.

For those of us who thought you could not grow long hair when it is pressed, she was a testimony that you can.

She said her hair never grew past her neck when it was relaxed... it would always eventually break and she had bad scalp issues. Let me tell you, her hair was beautiful. She had full almost spiral curls in it and it was still past her shoulders and shiny. She said she sees her stylist about every three weeks and the other weeks she shampoos and flat irons it herself.

Did I mention her hair was beautiful?
onepraying said:
Thanks for the response Naptrl...I'll be visiting Sylvania in a ponytail..thank you very much!:lol: :yep: :lol:

I know Revediva(Christina) used a wax and went Salsa dancing and her hair looked great!

I started using Marcels curling wax on my daughter's hair and it didn't revert back AS FAST as it would have. Her hair is plain 'ol stubborn.

How do you use the curling wax? Before you press/flat iron or after?

I only use heat every 2-3 months and it took me a couple tries to get it looking healthy and not heat damaged. Deep conditioning and heat protectant are really important! I'm trying to figure out how to battle humidity-hopefully the wax will help. Otherwise, heat is not even worth the drama.
I don't flat iron, but with my natural hair, I i sit under a dryer after I wash once a week. I have this book by A.Dickey called Hair rules that says if you put heat on your hair with nothing in it you are burning away natural moisture and oil. But if you use a light leave in conditioner the heat will protect the hair while it burn off the leave in conditioner.
i am still looking for advise on using heat.

personally i like using heat because i think it makes my hair easier to style & moisterize, but now after reading numerous threads on natural hair i am starting to rethink this and i am wondering if using heat could be hindering my progress. my hair appears to be healthy, i don't see any spit ends but i am just trying to make sure i am doing all i can for my hair

my last trim was in march when i got it pressed and the stylist cut off 2 inches. that was probably the first time i got it pressed.

anyway for the most part i am using a conair dryer with the comb attachments. (the ion dryer) i use the widest comb and do sections at a time after using a leave in conditioner and my fantasia anti frizz gel. afterwards i use CD's HHB in my hair and kemi oly to seal in the moister and i braid the ends at the nape of my neck and but a scarf on it. i deep condition with cholerstrol 2x's a month (30s mins with palstic cap, no heat). throughout this whole process i am not loosing a lot of hair-just the normal amount the scalp sheds per day, it is not thin from what i can tell either

when i used kerapro's k-pak line i lost NO hair but it is hard to find their products on sale so i am using nexxus.

u always wear my hair up and wear a scarf at work because of the area i work in dries out my hair unless it is covered. i take the scarf off at meetings, breaks and stuff. i always wrap my hair up at night and have a satin pillow.

anyway for those that are using heat do you think my regime is too harsh? what other ways can i can tell that my hair is being damaged outside of breaking and thinning?
I don't use heat weekly but the wax I use is Ampro Marcel Curl Wax (it's red). I just use a baby dab at the root of each section. It does weigh the hair down a bit (it's grease afterall) but the hair still has good movement and it most important it won't sweat out easily.
kristina said:
I don't use heat weekly but the wax I use is Ampro Marcel Curl Wax (it's red). I just use a baby dab at the root of each section. It does weigh the hair down a bit (it's grease afterall) but the hair still has good movement and it most important it won't sweat out easily.

Do you use the wax before straightening or after?
I got my hair pressed last week by a friends stylist. I liked my friends hair and the way her hair looked when it was pressed and the salon claimed to focus on hair care. To make a long story, I let the stylist do my hair. She shampooed, deep conditioned, blow dried with a comb attachment, and flat ironed on one of those hot plug in stove at the salon. I noticed she was not used a pressing cream or oil. I asked her about it. Her response was we don't use anything other than shampoo and deep condition because we want the hair very bouncy. I shampooed a couple of days ago and I have straight pieces that didn't revert where my hair is 3b, a little on the sides and the nape area. I'm mostly 4a. I'm very pissed because its taken me 8 months to become 100% natural. I had gradually trimmed all the perm out. I don't know what to do now. I've been con washing everyday. It's just been a week, hopeful it will revert.

Please be careful of these so called stylist that don't know what the heck they are doing.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is another reason I won't let anyone else do my hair. When I had my hair flatironed at a salon, she used Chi products and a Chi iron. I had no problem with my hair reverting. When I do my own hair, I use a flatiron and don't have a problem with reversion.
Sometimes stylists only care about "style" and not the after-effects or the maintenance. This is why I've put my haircare into my own hands.
When I was straightening my natural hair last year the stylist I saw said I should straighten perhaps 2 weeks in a row and give my hair a break the 3rd week and repeat that. I didn't straighten that often but whenever she straightened my hair always reverted with no problem and she used PM Skinny serum and gloss drops as heat protectants and Dudley's curl wax before pressing to protect it from reversion. I have pics in my album of my straight styles she did on me or what I did myself w/ the Maxiglide. That iron is the BOMB!
I typically wear my hair straight and I dont have problems with reversion. I usually straighten it every 3-4 weeks (two weeks straight and one week curly). I use a heat protectant made by Ion. I also use the Maxiglide and Chi flat iron.
I flat iron every week (sometimes every other week-depending on my schedule) and I have no problems. My ends are just fine and my hair is long and healthy. (I'm hoping to hit waistlength really soon!) Don't believe everything you read about heat. Different people have different experiences. I do the same roller wrap and flat iron that I did when I was relaxed. I transitioned that way and kept the same routine now that I'm all natural. I think the key is deep conditioner and leave-in conditioner, but that's just for me and my hair (maybe not for you).

I don't use blowdryers though. My hair is very fragile when it's wet and that much direct heat on wet or damp hair is a no no for me.
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I am newly out of my transitioning sew in - now with a head full of natural hair - with no idea of what to do with it - in June no less...but I am in Detroit/San Fransciso and it is flaky weather right now in MI...
I just had my ends dusted by my very slow hairdresser....but she doubled my length in a year! My own mother could not believe it....
she (the HD) seems to think that a weekly wash and press/flat iron is long as I wrap it and maintain her practice on low I am only correcting my mishaps---1st night forgot to wrap it...mushroom head in morning - so I tried to straighted it.

When I wrap it, I see the ends and started putting Doo grow stimulating oil on the ends...luckily she knows how to she does this with her hair.

Verdict - flat ironing cleaned, dried hair - ok...minimize the weekday heat as much as possible and then rewash if you are finding that the style is limp. Wrap it first to straighten if possible.

Hope this helps.

BTW - since I am recently returning few ???
Anyone know about Verifen constant ends conditioner? (saw it on the Feature of the Month)
What is Maxiglide and what does it do?
How is a Sedu iron different, how much is it and where did you find it?

When I first went natural, I pressed my hair weekly and it slowly thinned out and started splitting and breaking. Now I press my hair once a month sometimes twice (for special occassions) and now my hair does just fine. Its growing and I'm retaining length and have very few split ends.
I know Dudley's curling wax is the bomb!!! No water gets past that stuff but you MUST clarify when you wash b/c it isn't easy to wash out either.

loonatick said:

what curling wax do you use?
How are do you weekly pressers keep from breaking off your ends? I detangle and press with a comb then with a solia ceramic flat iron. With the first pass of the pressing comb I notice about 5-15 broken hairs. How can I stop this breakage? Help...:perplexed

Oh yeah, to stop reversion I use Sabino Moisture Block. I have kept a press for 6 days ( could have been longer- I decided to wash).:yep: