Any Naturals Here Who Does Not Use Headbands Or Accessories?

How long did you have to leave the twists in? Days? I hate wearing twists sometimes. But yes, this is how I want it to look!

Maybe a couple of days? I know it wasn't long. I think if you wash your hair in twists and let the twists drip dry so they hang down and leave them in for a couple of days baggying at night (I had no product in my hair BTW; just very well DC'd hair that got baggied daily in twists. Without product, the set was better), you should be able to undo them and get that look. If going w/o product gives you the shakes, maybe moisturize with S Curl after your hair dries...then baggy. Wear twists for a day to let them set and then baggy and in the AM undo carefully and shake.

When I tried to do the same thing (couple of days set) with product, the twist-out looked like this :lachen:


Love this! I tried replicating it and failed. I'm gonna show my sis this pic and see if she can do it for me. Is this flat twists? How long do you keep your hair like this?

It isn't flat twists; it's cornrows. I sorta do them sideways :look: Here's a close up:

Even if I could do flat twists, I don't think they'd hold as well as cornrows do--or should I say I'm too clumsy a sleeper to maintain flat twists neatly for a week...I think. :look:

To get an idea of what I mean by doing my cornrows sideways, check out these big ones of my extensions:

The rope part is kinda facing down and what you see looking at the cornrows is the side of the cornrow.

Another image:

The way I maintain the cornrows with puff in the back is I plait the back in big square plaits at night, then I wrap my whole head in Saran wrap. On the day I put the cornrows in, I usually apply S Curl to my hair, and baggying nightly ensures I don't lose that moisture and that undoing and combing the plaits in the AM is a breeze. Saran wrap works really well because the moisture makes the flyaways shrink and the pressure of the wrap against the cornrows makes them look neat in the AM.
I was a slave to headbands when I first went natural. I didn't attempt to stop wearing them until the hair in the front of my head started to flop to the side some if I parted it.

Now, I don't wear a lot of headbands. I mainly use bobbypins, clamps, and those comb thingies.
Maybe a couple of days? I know it wasn't long. I think if you wash your hair in twists and let the twists drip dry so they hang down and leave them in for a couple of days baggying at night (I had no product in my hair BTW; just very well DC'd hair that got baggied daily in twists. Without product, the set was better), you should be able to undo them and get that look. If going w/o product gives you the shakes, maybe moisturize with S Curl after your hair dries...then baggy. Wear twists for a day to let them set and then baggy and in the AM undo carefully and shake.

When I tried to do the same thing (couple of days set) with product, the twist-out looked like this :lachen:

It isn't flat twists; it's cornrows. I sorta do them sideways :look: Here's a close up:

Even if I could do flat twists, I don't think they'd hold as well as cornrows do--or should I say I'm too clumsy a sleeper to maintain flat twists neatly for a week...I think. :look:

To get an idea of what I mean by doing my cornrows sideways, check out these big ones of my extensions:

The rope part is kinda facing down and what you see looking at the cornrows is the side of the cornrow.

Another image:

The way I maintain the cornrows with puff in the back is I plait the back in big square plaits at night, then I wrap my whole head in Saran wrap. On the day I put the cornrows in, I usually apply S Curl to my hair, and baggying nightly ensures I don't lose that moisture and that undoing and combing the plaits in the AM is a breeze. Saran wrap works really well because the moisture makes the flyaways shrink and the pressure of the wrap against the cornrows makes them look neat in the AM.

Ok. My sis says she's gonna do it for me. Thanks for the visual!
I have to...i mean HAVE to have my head bands. My fro is so uneven, and I look like a boy without a head band. Once my hair gets a little hang i'll stop with the head bands. As for the OP I love your hair! It's so pretty you don't need head bands. And to Nonie, even though I can't really see your face in your photo's you look pretty, and your forehead is not big.
I wear headbands sometimes, but I can also see what you mean about them sometimes hurting your head, that's happened to me sometimes too. Still, I don't think I personally would give them up any time soon; I like accessories too much :)
:rolleyes: Stop ackin' like you don't remember. As much as I post pics... :bat:

OK, pay attention! :p This is how you let yo' five head shine without colorful/decorative distractions :lol:


I do this (or variations of this) as a sub for headbands to give my head a break.. I have my hair braided in the front right now, but no cam to take pics(my laptop is on hiatus till friday:grin:).
I keep trying to wear accessories but it never works out. Maybe b/c I started from such a short length (ceasar) and grew accustomed to just using bobby pins.

I think my hair is shorter than yours but I usually just pin one side back. Sometimes I'll also pin the top back if it's too warm out.


Stretched braidout, side part, no pins

I would wear heabands all of the time but I am tired of it. Now I just do a little twist on the left side and push my hair to the side. I like my hair line and want to preserve my nape and temple area.
. And to Nonie, even though I can't really see your face in your photo's you look pretty, and your forehead is not big.

I think you need your eyes checked! :lachen:J/k I love Nonie.

Ok, so I stole Rocky's look. Next is Nonie's look with the braids and fro in the back.


I keep trying to wear accessories but it never works out. Maybe b/c I started from such a short length (ceasar) and grew accustomed to just using bobby pins.

I think my hair is shorter than yours but I usually just pin one side back. Sometimes I'll also pin the top back if it's too warm out.


Stretched braidout, side part, no pins


I'm so jealous of you right now! :grin: Love the second and third look. That's what I'm going for. Gonna do a braidout tonight on dry hair and see how that works out.