Any naturals here wetting their hair daily or almost daily?


New Member
How often are you wetting your hair nowadays? Are you conditioner-washing or rinsing your hair on a daily basis? If so, why?

I wet my hair for the past 3 days in a row and my hair was so much easierto get into my daily bun :yep: What I usually do is use a spray bottle filled with Giovanni Direct and water to spray my hair down with in the morning and pull it back into a bun. But the past couple of days when I showered, I rinsed my hair thoroughly with water, then while soaking wet adding in the GD, and finished it off quickly with a little coconut oil.

My hair felt sooo good and was easy to put into my bun with my scrunchie (also did this while in the shower).

***I am beginning to think my hair my needs to be RINSED more often...that it needs to be fully WATERED DOWN in order to get it into a bun daily without too much "resistance" from my hair. :look: My spray bottle works pretty well, but it seems like I have SUCH an easier time getting it into a bun if I do it in the shower with it all wet (like I do on wash day).
I too wet my hair everyday with Jane Carter leave-in and usually follow with castor oil/aloe vera gel mixture. If I didn't, my hair would be a frizzy mess in my bun.
I too wet my hair everyday with Jane Carter leave-in and usually follow with castor oil/aloe vera gel mixture. If I didn't, my hair would be a frizzy mess in my bun.

Are you spraying your hair or are you actually rinsing/conditioner washing it before applying your leave-in?
I also wanted to add be careful if you live in an area with hard water.It may be wise to nvest in a filter.
I spritz it with plain water at least twice daily. I'll have either diluted aPhogee Balance Moisturizer and/or Fantasia IC Gel already in my hair and the water revives my curls:yep:
I cowash daily or every other day. I believes it keeps my hair better moisturized and it's easier to style than not cowashing. I also think it's one of the main factors in my hair growth (a clean scalp allows for the hair to grow).
I do when I wear a puff (5-6 days a week). Either in the shower or with my water bottle that has spring water and a Cantu shine serum. But I put Cantu shea butter & a tea tree/ carrot oil mix in 1st.
It makes my curls pop to wet daily.
I'm about 18 months into my transition and I cowash daily. My hair feels more supple and the new growth is so much more manageable. I've said it before, I think cowashing for naturals can be addictive. It feels so "durn" good :grin:
I wet my hair nightly and have for over two years, even before I started working out 11.5 months ago. I mostly co-wash, but if my hair is feeling gunky, I will shampoo with the shikakai or tulsi-neem shampoo bar. I HAVE to wet my hair nightly, re-moisturize and seal. I love doing it and my hair loves it.
yes ma'am.I conditioner wash daily.I've tried simply rinsing but that turns me into a frizz ball.The flow of the water helps me detangle and the conditioner helps to soften and smooth,which makes it easier to bun.I apply my leave ins and then lightly brush into a bun smoothing it with IC fantasia gel.

Make sure your detangling properly especially near the ends so they won't knot.

So are you detangling your hair daily as well? Are you doing it with a comb/brush or your fingers? I don't think I could do a "full detangle" every day on my hair-it would be too much time/work LOL :look:
I know you were not asking me the detangling questions, but I would not fully detangle nightly or I would have no hair now. I would just finger-detangle but I do now because when I apply aloe vera gel it just takes the tangles right out. I then just comb through about three times with the shower comb and voila! My hair is actually doing much, much better now that I detangle fully after each shampoo, rinse or co-wash, but it is effortless because of the aloe vera gel (food-grade/dietary supplement AV, not the skincare stuff).
When I was natural I used to CW twice a day. I did it in the morning. If I was going out later that night I would do it again. I never had ANY dandruff when I was natural.
When I was natural I used to CW twice a day. I did it in the morning. If I was going out later that night I would do it again. I never had ANY dandruff when I was natural.

Really?? I don't have dandruff now that I'm natural, either...and it used to be REALLY BAD when I was relaxed :perplexed

And you know what else? Whenever I get my hair pressed, if I go past 2 weeks with a press (and so I haven't washed my hair in two weeks), I get dandruff and itchy scalp REALLY BAD. So I guess dandruff IS a result of dry scalp, then?
I water rinse or cowash at least 4 or 5 days weekly. I workout, and I need to rinse the sweat from my hair.

Also, I can get second day hair from my style, but especially when there's little humidity in the air, it's just easier to do a cowash/water rinse in the shower than it is to spritz my hair throughly.
Really?? I don't have dandruff now that I'm natural, either...and it used to be REALLY BAD when I was relaxed :perplexed

And you know what else? Whenever I get my hair pressed, if I go past 2 weeks with a press (and so I haven't washed my hair in two weeks), I get dandruff and itchy scalp REALLY BAD. So I guess dandruff IS a result of dry scalp, then?
I too had an itchy dandruffy scalp when I relaxed. No dandruff as a natural though.
I cowash everyday usually 2x a day. I wash with shampoo once a week. My hair loves water and thrives from cowashed.
Really?? I don't have dandruff now that I'm natural, either...and it used to be REALLY BAD when I was relaxed :perplexed

And you know what else? Whenever I get my hair pressed, if I go past 2 weeks with a press (and so I haven't washed my hair in two weeks), I get dandruff and itchy scalp REALLY BAD. So I guess dandruff IS a result of dry scalp, then?

:yep: :yep: :yep:

I still CW every day unless I have a wash and set which I normally do not wash out until 3-4 days. During day 3 my scalp is like, you better go wash me or else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blush: :lachen:
even though i am not 100% natural and have a texlax (although it is an extremely weak texlax b/c my hair still reverts to almost the same curl pattern as before the chemicals, and it reacts more to water and moisture as natural hair does than when i was relaxed), i lOOOOOOve to CW daily!!!!! i notice that my curls actually come out shinier and my hair stays so soft! i just CW then apply leave-in (no specifics yet b/c i'm still experimenting with a ton), seal with a tiny bit of moisturizer and coconut oil and voila! a happy camper! :grin:
I'm afraid to wear buns everyday. But if I did, I wouldn't mind wetting everyday with a good leave-in. How are you ladies protecting your edges wearing buns everyday? Assuming you aren't detangling with a comb or using a brush...

I have fine 4 strands and scared that it will break my hair if I keep bunning it. How do you know if your pulling the hair too tight even when it doesn't feel tight? Any tips?
i wet my hair daily. i'm natural & a 3-4mix of strands. i rinse my hair as soon as i get in the shower each morning. then i smooth some condish (TJ nourish or Infusium) thru it & pin the ends up in a clip & shower. right before i get out the shower, i rinse, but not til squeaky.....i leave a little film of condish on my hair. then i use a little s-curl & coconut oil mix & bun it. i can't even think about going out the house without rinsing. my hair craves H2O. try it & see how it works for you. everyone's hair is different. but water is the ultimate moisturizer. HTH
I rinse or co wash daily. My hair is always wet. I detangle only when I wash and thats once a week.
I wish I could co-wash daily/every other day. My hair looks like a beehive when I do this (and air-dry). I should just keep trying until I get it right :perplexed
Something moist is in my head every day of the week. Either spray, mist, cowash, or just plain on spray of water from the shower, something in there.

If I am rushing and can only put aloe vera gel or my homade scalp cream in it is at least some moisture.
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I wet my hair in some fashion every day, whether it be from co-washing or spritzing it with my homemade concoction.
I have been lately and I agree that my hair has been much easier to handle....especially since I'm just rinsing and not using conditioner