Any MTG updates?


I've only used MTG for a month now. It's a lot thicker than before, but I only used it like twice a week. I still haven't pressed my hair to tell if I got any length yet. Who else uses MTG and any good results from it? How often did you use it?
I'm two weeks post relaxer and I've already got a friggin 1/2 inch of new growth. I'm so grateful I packed this stuff cos' the biotin has me goin to see a naturopath for the acne I've got (it's pre-teen all over again!).

I MTG about 3-4 times a week with oil rinsing with coconut oil, CO washes, and irregular deep conditioning. I'm focusing on the edges, you know: nape, temples, etc. Once per week I'll do the whole head and I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner. I think I'll be seeing 1 inch a month easily. I've got really damaged hair that's 3 inches from APL, so I'm working on getting it to APL, then trimming all year till it's just all the same length. CO washes are done with Pantene deep fortifying that claims to stop breakage. I do a clear henna gloss as my deep conditioner weekly. HTH