Any ladies here, hair really benefit from sew in weaves??? please answer.


New Member
I want to get a sew in weave I will probably leave it in for a month tops..and I may continue to wear it if my hair thrives...I just wanted to know if there were any ladies here who has gotten results ( good results) from wear sew ins also what kind of regimen did they have. Shampoo, oiling the scalp etc.
I've been growing my hair out (transitioning) for over a year using sewin' weaves. I've gotten a lot of growth but I am also trimming inches of relaxed hair every 2-3 months. As for upkeep, I wash, condition and oil but I don't condition as much as when I have my hair out. Luckily, my hair is still moist and in good condition - that's partly due to the fact that the cornrows lock moisture into my hair.

I've definitely benefited from this routine. I've been getting tired of the style but it makes my life so much easier. I'll stop when I gain enough growth to bun and style my natural hair.
I've been using a sew in and I do the diluted rinse w. shampoo and cond but less often, I did use scurl and full baggie and did not leave the braided/ weave up too long 2 months max. then I took it down deep cond, trimms if needed put it back up. I haven't been wearing it for 2 months now I just do damp bun w my natural hair. I'm giving it aresst cause I'm tired of the look for now and I want my hairline to rest, watch your hairline carefully though. hth
Bmm said:
I want to get a sew in weave I will probably leave it in for a month tops..and I may continue to wear it if my hair thrives...I just wanted to know if there were any ladies here who has gotten results ( good results) from wear sew ins also what kind of regimen did they have. Shampoo, oiling the scalp etc.

I am in Ohio, and I was recommended to a lady who did the most natural looking "full illusion" (full head weave, I am a natural that wanted a straight look) that I have seen in a while. Her price was great, and I kept it in from Nov till feb I think. Way too long to keep a sew in. I maintained it, and it was great. Little to no tangling, or shedding w/ the hair either. My hair grew so much while it was tucked away! I had the longest hair that I can even remember! Then I let her cut my hair after she removed the weave. But even that style was hot till I washed out the press.
My hair grew several inches when I wore them. However, when I removed the weave I found my hair to be a lot weaker than it was before I put one in. I think it depends on the strength of one's hair.
I wore a sew in for 3 months (which was too long ) but my hair grew tremendously. I washed with diluted shampoo and conditioned weekly as well as used surge with wgo on my scalp. I think I will probably get another in around the holidays since I am giving my hair a rest from braids and the sew in weave.
I get really good growth with a sew in.
I recommend that you use a deep protein conditioner in between weaves and keep those tracks moist with either S-curl or some other oil.
I have been wearing weaves since November last year and my hair has really benefited from it.

I kept my first weave for 3 months, which is a long time but my hair did great. The main reason I kept it for so long was because I really wanted to gain length, which I did. I think my hair grew about 1 1/2 inches. Then, I took it out and did another, which I kept for 7 weeks.

I had a break from weaves from April to June and cut my hair. Now, I am back in weaves and my hair is gaining length.

The cornrows certainly do lock in moisture. I am using Sta sof fro braid spray about twice a week and use MTG once a week.

The only downside of wearing weaves is not being able to wash it frequently although I used diluted shampoo with a cutton bud to clean my scalp.

I am now on a new regime where I will keep my weaves for 2 months at a time.

Weaves work a lot better for me than braids because my hair is more moisturised and therefore does not break when I take them out.

I used to wear straight styles but I find them too common amongst my age group, so I wear short curly weaves (like the pic. in my avatar)
You ladies have been most helpful!!! Thank you so very much!!! I just want a simple weave...that I will probably wear up. I will post pictures too. I will keep the front and back out. I am going to ask my sister to do it for me this weekend. I am going to color the hair and my hair the same too. I am hype now.
I currently have a full head weave in now. It's been in for a month and one week. I will be taking it out this Friday.

I don't wash my hair at all when it's in a weave. Instead, I use Seabreeze to cleanse my scalp. I don't wash my hair or oil it when it's weaved up because it leaves a lot of build-up on my scalp. :nono:
I wash. I wash once a week or more and moisturize everyday with braid spray.

Do you ever get itching w/o washing or oiling? How do you prevent dryness?
I'm currently growing my hair out thru sew-ins. I've had a sew-in since 7/23/05. I had to take it down and replaced the hair on 8/27. I DID NOT like Milky Way Platinum. I usually use Black Diamond but bss was out of stock. When it was in stock I had the sew-in done re-done. I've noticed about 1/2 in. new growth. :)

I spray surge on once everyday.

Oil with oil blend every other day.

Shampoo/condition weekly.

**After reading NYRICAN1's post I will also dilute my shampoo/conditioner in a spray bottle to get to my scalp/braids better.**

Since I got my MTG I will use that once maybe twice a week.

I'm waiting for my shipment of hair from When I get the hair I'll take my hair down again and measure it again. From then on I'll try to keep my sew-in longer than a month.....2mos max.
I wore them off and on and get good growth from sew-in all the time. I leave my straight hair sew-in's for at least 2-3 months. I would was every 7-10 days and constantly keep my hair oil and when I take my hair down I would do my deep conditioning for the next 2-3 weeks and then out my hair right back up...So yes sew-ins are a great benefit for me, because I am not constantly in my hair.
I know Carrie has a sew in with no hair out at all and has pics. You might look in her profile to see pics or send her PM. I had one too but recently re did my hair. Now I just have lil itty bit piece of my hair out. I like to have a part and its hard to pull that off w/absolutley no hair out unless u were a bang..

Mermaid0684 said:
Are any of you ladies wearing "full sew-in." By that I mean to where none of your hair is out.
Yes, I wear a full sew-in with the closure part and I leave no hair out...Before I used to leave a little around the front and sides so that I could put it up into a ponytail, but notice that it wasn't growing, my bangs look like they were on break forever :lol:, but when I started the full sew-in my bangs grew like weeds and are know at chin level, which before was at above eyebrow level
Yes my hair has benefitted greatly from wearing sew-in weaves. My hair growth explodes while under a weave. The back of my hair is now 1/2" above bra-strap. I get the weave "tightened" (each track removed, and my hair combed out, washed and conditioned) religously every 6 weeks--for me, if I leave the weave in longer than 6 weeks my hair experiences more breakage.

I do wash my weave and my hair along with it once every 1-2 weeks. I nightly strengthen and moisturize with "structurize" and "hair-a-do" (
CynamonKis said:
Yes my hair has benefitted greatly from wearing sew-in weaves. My hair growth explodes while under a weave. The back of my hair is now 1/2" above bra-strap. I get the weave "tightened" (each track removed, and my hair combed out, washed and conditioned) religously every 6 weeks--for me, if I leave the weave in longer than 6 weeks my hair experiences more breakage.

I do wash my weave and my hair along with it once every 1-2 weeks. I nightly strengthen and moisturize with "structurize" and "hair-a-do" (

CynamonKis, what kind if weave do you get? straight? Curly? Do you leave any of your hair out?

HoneyDew said:
CynamonKis, what kind if weave do you get? straight? Curly? Do you leave any of your hair out?

Honeydew, I prefer wavy hair and am currently wearing the french refined wave by I leave a slight bit of hair out, just enough to cover the tracks in the front. I typically wear the hair wavy, and "gel" my own hair to blend it in with the weave hair. If I wear the hair straight, I have to flat-iron my own hair, which I don't like to do often.
Yes, I agree. I hate the flat ironing you have to do. Today I got kinky-straight ( 50% mink) sewn in. I did not have to flat iron at all!

THanks for telling us about the products you use, as well. They look interesting. I have been look for a spray like that Structurize.
asphyxxia said:
i've had positive results from wearing sew-ins since january.

all i do use is diluted shampoo and conditioner.
i don't oil my scalp or apply anything to my scalp other than surge when i remember. usually once a week or less.

asphyxxia, do you get any itching on your scalp?
HoneyDew said:
asphyxxia, do you get any itching on your scalp?
i used to wash my hair every other day (for months) so i didnt have to deal with the itching. it used to drive me mad. now that i've got a semi perm color in my weave i cant wash as much because the colors will wash out. im down to once a week now and its all ok. i did a 5 day fasting detox not too long ago, and since then my scalp doesnt really itch anymore. im still trying to work out how the two things could be related. i dont put anything on my scalp at all.