Any Karen's Body Beautiful Reviews?


Well-Known Member
Any reviews of Karen's Body Beautiful hair products? I'm particularly interested in:
KBB Luscious Locks Hair Mask
KBB Hair Nectar
KBB Hair Milk/Sweet Ambrosia
KBB Super Silky
KBB Hair Growth Serum
Expensive. But worth it. Until I can learn to make my own, I'll be ordering from her. The KBB products are natural, without a lot of additives, which is one of the main reasons I decided to try them. I'm glad I did. I have actually purchased 4 of the 5 products you are interested in, and now use 3 of them as my staple products.

KBB Luscious locks hair mask- Used this once, and the whole 20.00 jar was gone.
It's an ayurvedic herb fluffy cream mixture that's great for DC'ing the hair. I was heavy handed with this one; used it with a heat cap, but didn't notice that it moisturized any better than my normal much cheaper DC mixture combo. It's not on my gotta get some more right now list.

KBB Hair Nectar-My roots love this stuff! I am transitioning, and have about 3 inches of new growth. This thin light leave-in cream leaves my hair hydrated and soft! You don't need to use a lot of it, so I'm hoping the 200 ml (about 6- 8 ozs?) will last me for a while. I have even used this to make a braid spray mix with aloe vera and distilled water. If your hair is heavy or coarse, then you might benefit more from the hair milk; it's a little heavier in consistency than the Nectar.

KBB Hair Milk- Love to use this on damp hair right after a fresh shampoo. I apply it to my hair from the roots up after I spritz with a liquid leave-in like Infusium. KBB hair milk helps to hold the moisture in my hair.

KBB Super Silky- Using this as my 'juice' to hydrate my ends when they get dry.It's the most lightweight of all three leave-ins. It just depends on what consistency your hair likes. I use just a few drops on the ends of my hair when I moisturize. I find that the Silky works well along with other cream based moisturizers. It does make the hair feel silky and soft.

KBB Hair growth Serum- Never tried it, but I've been eyeing it for about a month now. I might try it in the future, after I'm done with my Band B growth serum.

I'm also using the KBB hair cream, it's a whipped shea butter mixed with juicy oils. If your hair responds well to shea butter, then it would be a great oil moisturizer. Mine doesn't, the shea butter just seems to sit there. Most times my dry thirsty hair needs a drink of liquid, not a drink of oil! lol

I'm a fan, never had a problem with service, and will continue to use these products. They do not contain any parabens, mineral oil, or sulfates. Eventually, if I keep getting good results, I will replace some of my BSS products with my favorite KBB ones. Good luck with your first product buys, and let us know how it turns out!
Thanks for the reply. Disappointed to hear about the Luscious Locks Mask-I think that was the one I was most interested in. It sounds like the other stuff has worked great for you though.