Any J/A/S/O/N users here?


New Member
I'm just looking to find any J/A/S/O/N users here in the Shampoo department.
I'm looking for a new shampoo. One of my main poos was Aubrey. The problem with it is that my hair is dry after use. My hair has changed somehow because it did not start out this way. Perhaps it may be the protein in them??
So anyone who could tell me about J/A/S/O/N and if they have a shampoo with good moisture and non-stripping.
I use Jason's sea kelp shampoo. Its very nonstripping and makes your hair soft. I wouldnt say it is detangling but it is moisturizing and doesnt make your hair feel stripped at all or leave buildup. Be warned it doesnt really lather up so dont give in to the temptation of using tons of it to get a lather lol.
That's certainly encouraging. Maybe there's hope for me yet. :blush:
I use and love my Giovanni Direct Leave-in.
I read about it here at LHCF and wish that I didn't wait soooo long to try it out.
:lick: Sounds Yummy!
Do you use any other flavors?
I use Jason's sea kelp shampoo. Its very nonstripping and makes your hair soft. I wouldnt say it is detangling but it is moisturizing and doesnt make your hair feel stripped at all or leave buildup. Be warned it doesnt really lather up so dont give in to the temptation of using tons of it to get a lather lol.

Thanks because I would be one of those people looking for the lather. :drunk: I'd probably pour half the bottle on before discovering just that. I'm so used to thinking the lather makes it clean. :rolleyes:
I use their natural biotin shampoo and conditioner. to me it doesn't strip hair of its natural oils. I like it.
I use their natural biotin shampoo and conditioner. to me it doesn't strip hair of its natural oils. I like it.
How often may I ask do you use it?
I have to wash my hair every other day. More than a few days and my scalp gives me major - major itchies and soreness.
I use Jason's sea kelp shampoo. Its very nonstripping and makes your hair soft. I wouldnt say it is detangling but it is moisturizing and doesnt make your hair feel stripped at all or leave buildup. Be warned it doesnt really lather up so dont give in to the temptation of using tons of it to get a lather lol.
How often do you use it? :look: Are you a daily or semi daily washer?
How often do you use it? :look: Are you a daily or semi daily washer?

once a week...I alternate between this and design essentials, with some CON every once in a while. I co wash whenever I feel like it, which could be every 2 or 3 days. I currently need to clarify because I just did a rollerset with barely any product and my hair is kind of stiff...not the results I was going for! Could be hard water too...Im gonna get a shower filter soon.

In the spring/summer I cowashed almost daily and shampood 1-2 times a week.
once a week...I alternate between this and design essentials, with some CON every once in a while. I co wash whenever I feel like it, which could be every 2 or 3 days. I currently need to clarify because I just did a rollerset with barely any product and my hair is kind of stiff...not the results I was going for! Could be hard water too...Im gonna get a shower filter soon.

In the spring/summer I cowashed almost daily and shampood 1-2 times a week.

Yes. :yep::yep::yep::yep: Get a shower filter. It made a 'real' difference with my hair.
I use the "April Showers" brand. My ends used to break off for years...:blush: to me it was mostly the culprit. A filter will make your hair softer and easier to manage.
Thank you for your input, etc.
I use the Sea Kelp Shampoo once a week, it doesn't strip the hair. It certainly is not detangling, not in the least. I use ORS Reconstructing conditioner afterward (DC), its wonderful for detangling.