Any good non-protein cond. to stop/prevent breakage?


New Member
Just wondering if there were any good non-protein conditioners out there to combat breakage... my hair is "protein sensitive" so I want to be proactive and have my arsenal all ready to go just in case I need to beat down the "breakage monster" again :lol:
Nexxus Emergenccee or however you spell it :lol:

It's a strong reconstructor that doesn't contain protein. It's the only one that I know of. The stuff actually works too.
I would recommend Jason Lavender conditioner. It is a strengthening formula but not nearly as protein-heavy as your average protein con or reconstructor. Now, it does have hydrolyzed wheat protein in it, but it's down pretty far on the list. This conditioner never left my hair feeling hard or stiff, and doesn't require a moisturizing con afterwards. It smells really lavender-y and when your hair dries you can smell it lightly throughout the day :)
Jason does have a real protein conditioner called Tall Grass, but the Lavender con is listed on their site as part of their "everyday" haircare line, and is not intended to be a protein treatment or anything. This may be the type of thing you're looking for.

Here it is on where you can see the ingredients:

ETA: As further evidence of the mildness of this con, I wanted to add that I used it for con washes several days in a row with no adverse affects, but my hair did have much more elasticity as a result :yep: I wish the journals were working so I could direct you to the entry where I reviewed the lavender con but alas, no luck.
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zoj2 said:
Emergencee contains collagen and elastin, both of which are proteins.

Well just shoot me down why don't you. :ohwell:

Guess I was wrong :) Truly didn't believe that it contained protein. I thought that it had some strands of artificial... polymer stuff. I think it does contain that, but possibly in addition to the collagen and elastin ( I didn't know elastin was a protein anyways)


*tip toes out of thread
I would recommend drinking lots of water and eating protein-laden foods, like fish, beans, brown/yellow rice, and boiled egg whites.

Honestly, most of my conditioners, with the exception of the daily conditioners I have, have a minute amount of protein in them. I'd try conditioner washing daily with something like Suave Milk & honey or any one of their flavors.