Any experiences with Soft Sheen Carson Optimum Oil Therapy Dry Hair Healer?


New Member
Got this product last week and decided I'd use it for adding a little oil in my hair on weekends. Since it had avocado, jojoba, olive and coconut I thought I'd be really happy with the results.

Well...not loving it.

Of course since I'm a 'take good and diligent care of your hair' newbie I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong or what. I know my ends are a little damaged but it just seemed to make my hair shiny but not really soft. It just looked shiny (but not greasy).

Anyone else had any good experiences or tips?
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If I'm remembering my LHCF lessons correctly, oil doesn't really moisturize. Just seals in what ever moisture you already have. So if you have dry hair, it's not really going to work out. You want to look for moisturzers and then use the oil therapy. There are suggestions for moisturizers all off the board. Try the search bar on the right hand side. Also, a lot of recent posts have praised the wonders of using old school jeri curl juice.
I bought it once before LHCF, and it made my hair feel really oily, no moisture at all. I think mineral oil is one of the first ingredients?
2 Lady S -

So I should apply a good moisturizer (Currently using Profectiv Mega-Growth Lotion and loving it) and then apply the oil over it? I'm going to give the product a few more times before it goes in my dump bin.

2 theprototype -

Girl your hair is lovely! And yeah that was my experience. Water is the first ingrediant but mineral oil is not too far behind which doesn't make me happy. Missed that when I was scanning it in the store.