Any Experience With Dominican Men?


Well-Known Member
Tried to do a search but I didn't find anything specific.

I've got my eye on one now; tall (6'5"), native Dominican but has been in the US for over 12 years, now. He's a bit lanky with a skinny face (kinda looks like a banana), but he's cute with a nice smile. He's adorable actually, and he seems like a sweetheart.
Speaks English well, but still has his accent:cloud9:

But I've been hearing mixed stories about dark-skinned, light-skinned issues amongst the Dominicans. I've also heard the native Dominicans are better than the American-born Dominicans (whatever that means).

I've dated Latino men before without any problems. What is your experience? The lust is strong over here...
I generally do not like hispanic men (because I am simply not attracted to them--my reasons are another thread). But I've dated one Dominican man a long time ago. I think I was too immature to appreciate his passion. He was very passionate and very generous. I'll never forget him but I was just too young mentally and age wise for all that. I have a few dominican female friends who do not date Dominican men saying that they are too controlling and are huge cheaters. But we know that can be men of every culture/ethnicity.
Tried to do a search but I didn't find anything specific.

I've got my eye on one now; tall (6'5"), native Dominican but has been in the US for over 12 years, now. He's a bit lanky with a skinny face (kinda looks like a banana), but he's cute with a nice smile. He's adorable actually, and he seems like a sweetheart.
Speaks English well, but still has his accent:cloud9:

But I've been hearing mixed stories about dark-skinned, light-skinned issues amongst the Dominicans. I've also heard the native Dominicans are better than the American-born Dominicans (whatever that means).

I've dated Latino men before without any problems. What is your experience? The lust is strong over here...
Does he identify as a Afro-Latino? That would be my first concern (or at least aware of his African roots), then I can processed the lusting. How old is he and is he single? Cause some have wives back home.
He Just turned 31(I'll be 30 in Nov), and he said he hasn't had a serious relationship since 2012, claiming his work got in the way. He works in sports, dealing with a lot of professional athletes from the DR trying to break into baseball and whatnot.

I'll have to ask about the Afro-Latino thing...but judging from a childhood pic of him and his sister I saw on Facebook, he can't deny it. Also his dad is dark-skinned and his mom is lighter.
He Just turned 31(I'll be 30 in Nov), and he said he hasn't had a serious relationship since 2012, claiming his work got in the way. He works in sports, dealing with a lot of professional athletes from the DR trying to break into baseball and whatnot.

I'll have to ask about the Afro-Latino thing...but judging from a childhood pic of him and his sister I saw on Facebook, he can't deny it. Also his dad is dark-skinned and his mom is lighter.

Honestly, I would just be friendly and develop a friendship first. Most Caribbean men prefer to be the pursuer, and can get turned off, or write you off as just a fling if you pursue him. Once he feels you and him have a connection (or likes you on his own) he will let you know much quicker or clearer than American men would.
I haven't dated a Dominican man, but I have several Dominican friends. All the men I know seem very loyal and they take care of their families.

Latin men are usually very passionate and romantic. If he's into you he will make it known.

As far as the light vs dark thing, I have read that they have the reverse 1 drop rule. This means that they don't identify themselves as black or of African descent. Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race so if they aren't black I don't know...
I dated a Dominican guy from NY when I was younger...he was a few years older. It was great he was very attentive and the right amount of crazy but I wasn't. Lol We are still friends to this day. And he's an amazing father and husband. His wife and I actually have more of a friendship then he and I do these days.
don't do it......

But I want hiiiiiiimmmmmmm...

And I found out he's an Aquarius :( This is the 3rd one in 6 months...why are all these January babies finding me.

I did ask him about the DR/Haitian conflict. While he didn't address it directly he did say "my dad is darker skinned and my mom is light. I was taught to never discriminate against anyone. I was told to show respect but I dont have to respect anyone who doesnt respect me. It's a part of my history but not a part of my life."

"I was told to show respect but I dont have to respect anyone who doesnt respect me. It's a part of my history but not a part of my life."

I'm side eyeing this part....does he feel disrespected?
I'm all sending you to ask my questions lol....don't pay me no mind.

"I was told to show respect but I dont have to respect anyone who doesnt respect me. It's a part of my history but not a part of my life."

I'm side eyeing this part....does he feel disrespected?
I'm all sending you to ask my questions lol....don't pay me no mind.

Not sure. On paper, I'm the same way, I don't respect a lot of mofos either :laugh: I'm guessing by what he said that he acknowledges the bad history between the DR and Haitians but doesn't want to make it worse or something.

I'm just guessing...English isn't his first language so maybe he's getting his words mixed up.
Not sure. On paper, I'm the same way, I don't respect a lot of mofos either :laugh: I'm guessing by what he said that he acknowledges the bad history between the DR and Haitians but doesn't want to make it worse or something.

I'm just guessing...English isn't his first language so maybe he's getting his words mixed up.

What's really going between ya too? Is there any progression with at least friendship? Not trying to rush things, but if you like him as much as you say you do, then ask him out to come get coffee with you, or make up some other scenario to at least create conversation. Then one day invite him to hangout after work for drinks or dinner. You don't have to make it date like, just informal.
I'm Dominican, have never dreamed of dating a DR man. I personally think the ones that live in the states may be a safer bet (or you run the risk of them wanting you for your citizenship) but eh. The men are generally cheaters and womanizers. So far only one of my close female cousins has made it work with a Dominican, we're 6. The ones back home have no choice obviously.

I can think of one male cousin that takes his relationships very seriously, my brother also is extremely honest, but it's a not common to the culture. The men generally will not ever deal with housework but are providers and protectors, usually fairly close to their family, like to dance.

But one never knows, your guy may be one of the good ones. I would try to see where his heart is, how he likes to spend his time, how much he likes drinking/clubbing, etc.

Lol@ask him about Haiti. :rolleyes: There was nothing wrong with his answer, by the way.
so funny because I just met a Dominican man but in getting to know him, I'm hearing the words controlling and I'm the man and cooking thrown into the conversation a lot lol

Im still getting to know mine as well! I havent quite pegged his relationship persona just yet, but I like the idea of traditional gender roles within a relationship just w/o all the ego and machismo that can come with it. Lol

How old is your guy?
Im still getting to know mine as well! I havent quite pegged his relationship persona just yet, but I like the idea of traditional gender roles within a relationship just w/o all the ego and machismo that can come with it. Lol

How old is your guy?

he is 31.. he is a potential so we will see. the only thing is that he is being vague about what he if he is jobless then peace. Ive pnly known him for 3 days lol
Dominican men are my kryptonite. I hate them because they're very charming and attractive, but many have wondering eyes. From what I seen, it's a cultural thing; Dominican culture seems to let their men run amuck, but are very protective of their women and have them ascribe to very conservative traditional roles. Some of that will rub off on the men and how they treat non-Dominican women.

They're very attractive and charming and have nice D game.... But be prepared to share that with every thing with a vagina. Some Dominican men are faithful, but from what I see, it's the exception rather than the norm. You've been warned!
For me, Latino men are strictly eye candy. Look, whip lash once in awhile but KIM. I know all men love women but theirs is extra picante. I just can deal. In my many interactions with them, Monogamy is a mere suggestion whether they are married or not. They love women too much in my book.

On the flip side, they are really good for your self esteem especially if you have body image issues. I have found that they just love all types of women whether big, small, cute or average. It is much easier to find a lid for your pot if you are into Latino men.
I only knew one Dominican!
He had the biggest dyck in life ever and he knew how to work it.
At first he was just a FWB but I eventually became his therapist with benefits :lachen:
It was fine cause he was nice to look at and I'm use to people opening up me for whatever reason. We were drinking and partying for about four months. He had a girlfriend whom he hated. He was truly still very much in love with his ex. I eventually told him to reach out to her and now they are engaged!
That was nice :look:
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I only knew one Dominican!
He had the biggest dyck in life ever and he knew how to work it.
At first he was just a FWB but I eventually became his therapist with benefits :lachen:
It was fine cause he was nice to look at and I'm use to people opening up me for whatever reason. We were drinking and partying for about four months. He had a girlfriend whom he hated. He was truly still very much in love with his ex. I eventually told him to reach out to her and now they are engaged!
That was nice :look:
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Yes. Yes, you were. :yep::look: