Any dominican Salons in Los Angeles

I believe the only Dominican salon in Los Angeles is actually located in Sun Valley, about 50-60 minutes north of Los Angeles. If you go to you can do a search on Dominican salon locations. This site sells Dominican products and is a great place for information.

I believe the only Dominican salon in Los Angeles is actually located in Sun Valley, about 50-60 minutes north of Los Angeles. If you go to you can do a search on Dominican salon locations. This site sells Dominican products and is a great place for information.


It looks like they have moved location. They are in Los Angeles and you know the prices are going to be no joke. Here's the website website I will probably go there on special occassions.
It looks like they have moved location. They are in Los Angeles and you know the prices are going to be no joke. Here's the website website I will probably go there on special occassions.

:eek: I know some people who are going to be very happy about the new location. Thanks for the update...For some reason I can't pull up the website.:ohwell: Can you give the address?

My hair is too fine to go to a Dominican Salon. I would probably look like I have 5 hairs on my head after a blow dry:lachen:. But, yes I can certainly imagine their prices coming in much cheaper than the average salon.

Carmel Apple Bottom: You are welcome.
:eek: I know some people who are going to be very happy about the new location. Thanks for the update...For some reason I can't pull up the website.:ohwell: Can you give the address?

My hair is too fine to go to a Dominican Salon. I would probably look like I have 5 hairs on my head after a blow dry:lachen:. But, yes I can certainly imagine their prices coming in much cheaper than the average salon.

Carmel Apple Bottom: You are welcome.

Here's the low down

STE 109
T...213 389 7896
F...310 402 5430
E... [email protected]
I would def be interested in checking out Domini Salon since I layover in LA frequently. I will suscribe to this thread and check back for updates :)
I am a long time client of Clara Johnson. She was one of the best stylists in the Sun Valley salon. The other was her sister Lissette but she is still off after having a baby. Clara has opened up Domini Salon in LA and the salon is fabulous. They have wireless internet access, filtered shampoo stations (the water in LA is hard so it makes a huge difference), complimentary snacks and beverages and play a mix of cross cultural music with a Latin flair. The space is lofted (2 levels) and has great energy. The combination of amenities, central location and extremely talented and down-to-earth Domincan stylists makes up for the slightly higher prices. They cater to a lot of actresses and entertainers! I have seen a few myself!

You have to visit and see for yourself. They actually have 2 websites. The main site is The other is which has pictures of their space and some clients have posted comments! You can email them at [email protected] - they reply pretty fast!
That's not too far from me. I'm glad they're here in the city. Do they sell Dominican products? I'm interested in buying Silicon Mix conditioner, but I don't want to be overcharged.
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