any difficulty when you moved in with your SO?

What kinda difficulty do you mean? Can you be mo pacific?:grin:


---ANyway, I had difficulty at first. Like he would come home and see the apartment stocked up, and I guess he thought the house fairy would drop them off at the end of each week. NINJA please...when I realized it was a pattern after about week 3 or so, I had to check his behind. Cereal does not just appear baby. I bought it!!!

--My advice is, I nipped it in the butt early. I didn't wait til after 3 months to try and change the brutha.
Has he ever lived on his own? If not, you are in for some battles because you have to break the whole, I'm livin with mama/everything is gonna get done for me, mentality. That's a rough one if he is not ready for it.
I mean...any kind of difficulty. Did you agrue more or less? Did he help with household responsibilities (cooking, cleaning, paying utility bills) on his own, or did you have to ask? Did you come home to one big mess and wonder why oh why did I move in with him? Things like that.

ETA: if he had messy friends/family over, did you mind?

What kinda difficulty do you mean? Can you be mo pacific?:grin:

No, he has never lived on his own. I know this will be one big battle for us on its own. Im trying to break it, but its very hard.

Has he ever lived on his own? If not, you are in for some battles because you have to break the whole, I'm livin with mama/everything is gonna get done for me, mentality. That's a rough one if he is not ready for it.
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Glad to know Im not the only one going through this.

My situation is, we dont live together yet. I have my own place. He does not. He used to want to live together, but I wasnt ready. Now that I feel like I am ready, I would like to know how it has worked, and hasnt worked for you ladies. Your stories may stop me from appearing on an episode of snapped.


---ANyway, I had difficulty at first. Like he would come home and see the apartment stocked up, and I guess he thought the house fairy would drop them off at the end of each week. NINJA please...when I realized it was a pattern after about week 3 or so, I had to check his behind. Cereal does not just appear baby. I bought it!!!

--My advice is, I nipped it in the butt early. I didn't wait til after 3 months to try and change the brutha.
I mean...any kind of difficulty. Did you agrue more or less? Did he help with household responsibilities (cooking, cleaning, paying utility bills) on his own, or did you have to ask? Did you come home to one big mess and wonder why oh why did I move in with him? Things like that.

No, he has never lived on his own. I know this will be one big battle for us on its own. Im trying to break it, but its very hard.

We didn't have problems but I do need to get on him more about doing things. He helped once in a while. I got fed up and cleaned on my own for a while but then I said wait a minute. I said you (he) makes half of the mess I'm not cleaning 100% of it any more. So when I cleaned I told him to get to it too. He doesn't cook at all. I have to work on that. I had him chopping up stuff at least he could do that. I'm going to have him cooking when it's all over. He's going to learn to cook if it's the last thing he does on this earth.
Girl yes!!!!!! I think I posted the same question maybe 1 year ago. We bought a house together after 2 years of dating and a proposal. I thought everything was great...until we shared a house. I hated him for the first 6 months...add planning a wedding in that mix. Long story short, we are doing MUCH better. The ladies on this board helped lots.

I'd say lots of communication upfront (now) about expectations from you both.
Don't take slacking behavior now or you will be stuck with it forever.
Make him do stuff by loving him. Men have fragile egos and complementing and stoking their egos first, then asking for more help around the house or whatever seems to work.
Know that EVERYONE has problems when first moving in. It's a huge life adjustment no matter how long you have dated.

Good luck!
Yeah, he fooled me into thinking he was a neat freak like me because his place was always spotless. Not "hurry up and clean because she's coming over" clean, but "I live like this" clean. when he moved in he lost it, and it made me angry. We def. had to compromise. We have a chore chart now.
he only had 1 tv....
we had to get two:ohwell:

I don't live with my SO (not very sure that's living together is the most wise thing to do for me), but I do agree on getting 2 TVs AND your own room if possible.

I am at his house 75% of the time and find it helps both of us that I've carved out my own space at his house. When he's practicing or working in his studio, I'm doing my Wii Fit or watching the TV in the living room or other activities around the house. If he's watching a program in the living room that I'm not so keen on, I go into the bedroom to chill and do girl-stuff while watching the TV in there. I've pretty much taken over the kitchen (I put my laptop on the island, so that's my office :grin:)

Remember, give and take, love and be loved. Fight fair, don't go for the jugular and if it's not working, say it isn't.

Don't do it Dani....:sad:
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