Any DC Metro members...


Well-Known Member
do their own relaxers?
I have realized that I just can't do them myself
, but I am a tad afraid to go to a salon, (even JC Penney's though I may give them a shot).
Who wants to put my relaxer in? I'm willing to pay!
I would not be able to assist you, however I was wondering. What type of perm (name) are u trying to put in? When was the last time you had a perm? Who put your last perm in?
I want to use a lye perm. If I get it done at home I would do elucence. I have been trying to do it myself a few times but my hair is getting too long to manage on my own because it is so thick. My last perm was 9 weeks ago. I did the front and sides and had help at the last minute with the back.
I generally do my own relaxers but as it is getting longer I am also considering going to a salon. My problem is as it is longer and getting more tangled, I am starting to perspire and my pores are opening up and it is burning really badly. I wanted to continue but finding difficulty. Where do you live? I will do yours free of charge. This is a good idea why don't we on this board look at doing a little hair club in our area and do relaxers for each other if we are apprehensive about going to hairdressers like I am.
