Any black folx make hair accessories?

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
Can you put me on game and send me a link? I am so tired of getting clips that don't fit my hair. I went to target and got a large looking clip that is for updo's. It only covers about a 3rd of my airdried hair so basically I just wasted my money :perplexed I have a flexi-8 that I love but I dont' want to use it all the time. I want to clip my hair up dagnabit. What are you thick haired ladies using to clip up your hair??
Ones that come to mind are brunsli's hair ties and tomoka's twists. You might have some success looking for hair accessories that are marketed for dreadlocks. I have an octopus clip that I got from Claire's that is pretty enormous and can hold all of my hair.

Brunsli's hair ties are never in stock, but it's really easy to make your own. I made a little how-to video. I'm going to have to upload that to youtube soon.
Ones that come to mind are brunsli's hair ties and tomoka's twists. You might have some success looking for hair accessories that are marketed for dreadlocks. I have an octopus clip that I got from Claire's that is pretty enormous and can hold all of my hair.

Brunsli's hair ties are never in stock, but it's really easy to make your own. I made a little how-to video. I'm going to have to upload that to youtube soon.

Thank you!!! I knew someone had to know :)