any AO honeysuckle rose users? i have a question..


New Member
In my previous post i was told to use this conditioner to get my hair back in good shape (like how my hair looks in my siggy) since my hair has a protein overload, it doesn't curl up once dried... it just looks a mess... so i went out and purchased the conditioner, my question is how should i use it, on wet or dry hair? the bottle says it can be used either way but which ever has the most effect is how i want to use it.. &how long before my hair is back to normal?:perplexed

before I was co-washing with Suaves tropical coconut conditioner (it has protein in it) & DC'ing with ORS hair mayonnaise (also has protein in it).. I know hair needs moisture AND protein so i don't want to completely ex protein out of my hair routine, so would it be okay if i co-washed with the suave's tropical coconut, STOP using ORS DC & instead use AO honeysuckle rose conditioner as a DC since it's a moisturizing conditioner, my hair will be getting both moisture & protein.. not TOO much protein & not enough moisture like before, :ohwell:
I use mine after shampooing or co washing, with a little jojoba oil. I also use heat with it.

It will leave your hair feeling very soft and buttery, you'll love it :yep:


It can take weeks or even months to be 100% back to normal. I've never dealt with overuse of protein. My advice is to deep condition with moisturizing conditioners as much as possible and moisturize often. Sorry you're going through that!
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My leave in conditioner has a bit or protein and I do a restructuring treatment every 8-10 weeks.
I use mine on wet hair and add honey/jojoba oil and other goodies to it. I use it under my steamer :hair:
Bumping for more responses. I just brought some today and will like to know the same thing. Actually I am getting a relaxer tomorrow, so will be using it after. I am very excited about getting my first natural product. Anyway I am looking for a good moisturizing conditioner and prays it stops here for a while. Do you recommend mixing in honey after relaxer?
I do both, but I think it is most effective used on wet hair after shampooing. I use heat for 20 minutes and rinse.
I use Aubrey Organics HoneySuckle Rose Conditioner as my DC each an every single week!!!:yep: I mix it with e.v.coconut.oil, jojoba oil, and sweet almond oil. I sit with heat for 1hr, and then I stay without heat for another 1-2 hours. Gosh it is the BEST thing that has ever happend to my hair. For a change sometimes, I use Aubrey Organics Island Naturals....mmmmmm....these conditioners are the greatest. And the fact that they are all natural, and all organic is a simple plus!!:lick:
Heyas. I use AO HSR once every week or two weeks (if I'm in twists/braids, though I prolly will start dcing with them if I find it's not a problem.) Anyway, I usually use it after I shampoo or cowash on hair that i squeeze damp. I think if your hair's sopping wet not as much will penetrate, so I try to lightly squeeze (not rub) to damp-ish. Then I generously apply it. I put a plastic cap on then sit with my heat camp for a half hour to an hour. If I'm lazy I might leave the conditioner on past that (w/o the heat cap) while I'm doing other stuff..(heh...yes I know. might be overconditioning..I'm lazy ;_; ) Then I rinse it out with warm water and then rinse with cold water. Then I move onto leave-in, sealing, styling,etc. Last week though, I used AO HSR to deep condition before I shampoo'd and my hair was still pretty good. I think I'm gonna be doing dry deep conditioning from now on to save the amount of times I'm in the shower.

If my hair was protein overloaded, I would try to avoid using protein at all till I got it back to normal. (But that's me anyway ;) )It's harder to come back from protein overload than it is to come back from moisture overload. Check out this article ^^ It's super helpful about protein/moisture balance.

Good Luck
I bought it last week and used it for the first time as a co-wash and my hair loved it.
This conditioner left my hair very moisturized and buttery soft.
I will try it as a DC soon.
here is the good thing about this conditioner, ive used it in the shower on wet hair for just a minute and my hair was super soft. i usually deep condition on dry hair so it shouldnt be a problem if you do so but for a quickie condition this really gets the job done.