Any advice for brazilian hair treatment gone wrong?


New Member

I had this Brazilian keratin hair treatment in Novemeber with is 9 months ago, my hair is dry, dead straight, no body it looks like straw. The only reason I had the treatment is because my beautician assured me it would wear off in 6 months, I have great curly hair--and when the summer hits i HIT THE BEACH...before i would look like a carribean girl with curly hair, tan skin and freckles...but now my hair dries like a bad wig, scraggaly...deep conditioners dont work, my hair will hold a curl by rollers or hot curlers for only a few hours, my hair is damaged and the thing that is really freaking me out, its not growing out...I think the lady who put it in---damaged my hair when she flat ironed it---can someone offer any advice to reverse the process ..Thanks --be cause i am about to cut my hair off like halie berry
It sounds as if your hair is permanently damaged. The only other thing for you to do is to try a strong protein treatment. For instance, Aphogee. If that does not work, you have to either grow out and slowly cut off the damage, or cut it off all at once and start over again.
Another reason why I don't fool with BKT's. :nono:

Sorry to hear about the damage caused to your hair OP. My only suggestion would be to transition all over again. If your hair is as bad as I'm picturing, I'd just cut it all off and start new. If you have no interest in that, then a longer transistion may be what you need.

I'd keep up with heavy protein treatments and moisturizing DC's (maybe 2-3x weekly) to try to regain some of the moisture loss. Protective styles (ie. wigs, braids, weave etc) to help you through the grow out period if you so choose.
That's bad,I have heat damaged ends (dead straight) so I know how u feel . You don't have many options apart from cuttiing off ther damaged part,I suspect the reason your hair idoesnt look as if its growing is due to the fact your hair can't Retain growth because of the damage caused by the BKT.Moisture is essential and a monthly protein treatment to lower the risk of further breakage .
Oh gosh I feel for you.

I'd say just keep doing your DCs and let the hair grow out while slowly cutting away the effed up parts.

But hey, if you're disgusted by it, try the halle cut, maybe you'll love that, but at least you'll know you have only nice healthy hair on your head.
I agree with the other ladies. For now, just try to really baby your hair, and see if it'll bounce back. Make sure that you're giving your hair lots of protein (I recommend Nexxus Emergencee or Aphogee 2 Step) and deep condition (about once or twice a week) with a good, moisturizing conditioner.

I'd also suggest watching your porosity, and making sure that after every treatment, you're closing your cuticles nice and tight. Making sure that your porosity is on point can help your hair be shinier, feel better (as in softer and smoother), and hold more curl. It won't cure heat damage, but it can help alleviate the symptoms.

Lastly, I think you should protectively style your hair. You mentioned that the damage isn't growing out, but your hair is always growing (barring an medical problem). So I think what's going on is that your hair is breaking off at the ends too, so it seems that overall, your hair isn't growing. Protective styling can help curb breakage, and once your hair stops breaking, you can start to see some more growth.

Of course, you will have to cut off the damaged hair eventually...damaged hair can't be fixed. But if you don't want to BC, then by babying your hair, you can hang on to the length and trim out the damage slowly instead.
Good luck!!