Any advice for a newbie?


New Member
Hey ladies, I am new to the site (just joined yesterday). So far I have read some great and informative post. The stories and pics have really motivated me. I have been wearing a short cut for the past two years and now I'm ready to grow it out. My goal is APL, right now it reaches my ear. I've been growing it since Feb and I've already come along way considering it was shaved in a pixie cut style. A good friend recommended I join the site, she has been a member for years and her hair growth journey has really paid off. I'm still getting a feel for this site, hopefully I'll be able to post some pics soon. Any advice you ladies have for me on products, styling, etc. would be greatly appreciated! :yep:

I don't really have any advice. Just take it slow and do your research. Happy hair growing!
I will tell you what worked for me and why I never turned into a PJ or got overwhelmed by the endless info on the forum from every angle. I read a book on good haircare. (We used to have a list of recommended books but I can't find the page now; maybe it's gone. But the book I picked randomly that helped me get the basics was Cathy Howse's book. I will warn you, it needs a lot of editing/proofreading but it helped me know what I need.

Alternatively, I'm sure there's a blog that can give you the same basics so you know what it take to grow healthy hair. Then the forum becomes a great reference to iron out the details you still have questions about...and a great support for your hair growing journey.

Our dear Msa did try to put a lot of info in one thread for newbies (I wish it were a sticky so it'd not get buried :ohwell: ). I will try to find it or maybe she can save me the trouble if she sees this and give the link to it.

ETA: I found Msa's thread:
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Thanks! I have actually considered getting Cathy's book, but after reading the reviews on amazon about how she was trying to sell her hair products through the book I was kind of on the fence.
Hi and welcome to the forum.
When I first found the forum, I felt like I was bombarded with information and didn't know where to start, but as you do more and more research by reading threads, watching videos, etc, eventually you will sort of fall in to a regimen. When you find one that works for you, just stick to it and be patient.
Take regular progress pics to keep yourself motivated also.
The types/brands of products that you use are important, but in my opinion the way in which you treat your hair is much much more important... i.e the way you comb your hair and with what type of combs, the way you wear your hair at night, the amount of direct heat you use, the extent to which you moisturise/seal, condition and just the general way you handle your hair.
I could go on, but when you do your research you'll find out what works for you and what doesn't.

Happy Hair Journey!
Thanks! I have actually considered getting Cathy's book, but after reading the reviews on amazon about how she was trying to sell her hair products through the book I was kind of on the fence.

Actually, you know what, you don't even have to buy her book. I seem to recall that if you read the Q&A section of her website, you'd get most of the info. If you click on the questions, they'll open up her answers:

BTW, I bought her products only once or twice. But the main thing is knowing what you need. (I learned about deep conditioning from her and she reiterated what I'd learned from that moisture was my friend.)
Hey Ynobe!! Glad u made it girl! I told you you're gonna love it here. So far the ladies have given you excellent advice!

:welcome: to the forum. My only advice is to do lots of research and enjoy your hair care journey. Wishing you lots of success in reaching your goal.
Welcome Newbie!

My one piece of advice is to keep it simple. Do not hop on every LHCF bandwagon. Only do what works for you.
Thank you all!!! You've really given me some good advice. I will try not to get over-whelmed by all the info. I have been doing alot of hair research for a couple of years now, I've finally deceided to put it to use. I have a routine that I've been using for the past 5 months. So far so good. It's really amazing to see the growth pics that you ladies have posted. I'm really excited about my hair journey and to have the support from others that have gone through the same things I have/will experince is GREAT! Thanks again! :grin:
Welcome to the board!!

My advice for newbies would be to surf around the site for awhile, ask questions, and compare information on products before jumping in and going on a spending spree. It's really easy to see a handful of people rave about a product and give in to buying it (expecting hair miracles). It's much cheaper in the end to wait and do research. ;)

You have to figure out how to give your hair what it needs (ex. proper moisture) before you can give it what it wants (ex. a beauty supply full of "fun" products).
Welcome. I have a few suggestions.

1.- Take it easy, don't be desperate if your hair don't grow as fast as you want to.
2.- Well balanced /high protein diet can help you with your hair growth. Diet is as important as the products you put in your hair.
3.- Read the forum to learn how to properly take care of your hair

WIth this, you will rock a not only long, but a beautiful hair in a while.