Any 4-6 Month Stretchers That Self Relax


Well-Known Member
I'm 18 wks post and I'm hoping to reach 20 wks before I self relax. I have never self relaxed 5 months new growth. Is thisgoing to be hard to do? My processing time is 15 min which keeps a little texture still. I'm worried now that I'm not going to be able to handle this. Relaxing 1/2 is not an option for me because my hair would be a wet mess. Any tips for self relaxing long stretches? I have only self relaxed 15 wks post.
I just prepared my 20 weeks post hair last night for today's touchup. It took about one hour :wallbash:.

I divide my hair in the usual four sections. I attack each section my parting my hair (using fingers) into the thin sections I will be applying relaxer to. I secure each thin part my braiding loosely (two strand plaits) under the new growth.

I end up with about 50 plaits over my entire head. I fly through my processing time by taking this approach.
I just prepared my 20 weeks post hair last night for today's touchup. It took about one hour :wallbash:.

I divide my hair in the usual four sections. I attack each section my parting my hair (using fingers) into the thin sections I will be applying relaxer to. I secure each thin part my braiding loosely (two strand plaits) under the new growth.

I end up with about 50 plaits over my entire head. I fly through my processing time by taking this approach.

Hey! Thanks for reminding me to separate/part it off first. I should be able to accomplish this with duck rail clips.
I did, after an 8 month stretch. My strategy was to use way more relaxer than I thought was necessary, and it worked. My hair drank up half a tub of Mizani like it was no tomorrow. I basically relaxed and rinsed in sections. Oh, and I based my scalp extra well.
The last time I did a touch up I was 15 weeks post and I did the half and half method. That is the only way that I can properly do it without going over time and over processing my hair. This time I when I touch up I will be 19 week post, but that's not until Dec. I will do the same method. I will take the others advice and pre part my hair with plastic clips. It was a little difficult working through the new growth,and I believe this will help a lot.
I texlax ever six months. I make sure to detangle before I texlax and it makes it alot easier. Also I base my scalp and my already processed hair with vasoline or hair grease to make sure that I do not overlap the relaxer or get it on my scalp. I part my hair in about six sections and then apply the relaxer. It takes me about 5-8 minutes to put on the relaxer since I do not smooth it out I just let it sit a total time of 15-20 minutes.
This is my current issues, Im not comfortable self relaxing being over 5 mos post. Im afraid I will either not get all my new growth/over processing.
what strengths do you all use? bump

Good question. I haven't made it past 3 months and a little change but for the ladies that stretch forever, I hear some have problems with using the same strength.

I'm trying to make it until at least April or May which would put me in this 4-6 month range. I usually use mild but I wonder if that will still work.
Good question. I haven't made it past 3 months and a little change but for the ladies that stretch forever, I hear some have problems with using the same strength.

I'm trying to make it until at least April or May which would put me in this 4-6 month range. I usually use mild but I wonder if that will still work.

Ya, I guess I'll find out. I bought MBB mild(fine/color treated) and I'm more than 4 months post. I'm planning on leaving longer than the processing time since I really don't want to underprocess. we'll see...I guess
Ya, I guess I'll find out. I bought MBB mild(fine/color treated) and I'm more than 4 months post. I'm planning on leaving longer than the processing time since I really don't want to underprocess. we'll see...I guess

That is the relaxer I was thinking about buying. I still have enough of the regular mild mizani for one more touch up and since the last one went so well, I was thinking about buying it again. Let me know how it works out.
Maybe you could do what I do to make it easier & faster, if you prep your hair like others have said, just put your relaxer in an applicator bottle, then that way you can part and apply, then go back and smooth in a decent amount of time, I have always done this since the 90's. It makes it easier and less overlapping. But I have been natural too, but this is what I do.

You can still get someone to help you! Good Luck to you!
I'm 18 wks post and I'm hoping to reach 20 wks before I self relax. I have never self relaxed 5 months new growth. Is thisgoing to be hard to do? My processing time is 15 min which keeps a little texture still. I'm worried now that I'm not going to be able to handle this. Relaxing 1/2 is not an option for me because my hair would be a wet mess. Any tips for self relaxing long stretches? I have only self relaxed 15 wks post.

Make sure you do your prep work really well. :yep: My last stretch was 7 months, this one will be 6 (i've broken way too many combs as it is:perplexed). Prep work is everything when you have a lot of new growth so you don't over process.

I've always divided my hair in several smaller sections using the big plastic hair clips from Sally's; doing my hair in 4 sections won't work for me. I cover previously relaxed hair with some conditioner first, then hella heavy hair grease (blue magic works well). I've done this forever so for me, I'm done within my 15-20 minutes of processing time.

I have tried the half and half method and while I got the job done, it wasn't something that really worked well for me.

Make sure you do your prep work really well. :yep: My last stretch was 7 months, this one will be 6 (i've broken way too many combs as it is:perplexed). Prep work is everything when you have a lot of new growth so you don't over process.

I've always divided my hair in several smaller sections using the big plastic hair clips from Sally's; doing my hair in 4 sections won't work for me. I cover previously relaxed hair with some conditioner first, then hella heavy hair grease (blue magic works well). I've done this forever so for me, I'm done within my 15-20 minutes of processing time.

I have tried the half and half method and while I got the job done, it wasn't something that really worked well for me.


I use Arcadian's method (Thanks Arcadian) but the only thing I don't use the clips as I need to get more coordinated with the clips...I just twist my hair in sections ...boy, that makes the relaxing process go so smoothly...
I use Arcadian's method (Thanks Arcadian) but the only thing I don't use the clips as I need to get more coordinated with the clips...I just twist my hair in sections ...boy, that makes the relaxing process go so smoothly...

how many sections do you end up having doing this?
In January I was 23 weeks post and this was the first time I ever went 5 months without a relaxer... I used more relaxer than I normally would relaxing at 12 weeks and it definitely worked that way.. The only bad thing was trying to part in sections but other than that it wasn't that bad.. Although things went well I don't think I will wait another 5 months to relax my hair...
Hi, I'm just wondering, would you need more than one tub of relaxer to be able to get all the new growth of 6+ months? Great thread BTW, I am on a super stretch giving my hair a rest, but still debating with myself whether to go natural or not. But I will take these tips if I do decide to relax. :yep:
I only stretch 14 weeks, but I have alot of dense newgrowth by then. Pre-sectioning is a must for me to ensure I get all of it covered.

The great thing about stretching is that it's very easy to see and feel the difference between your NG and previously relaxed hair.