Tiara, how do you get rid of fear?
I suppose you have to trust . . . being hurt is NO FUN!
I think all of my past experiences are doing a number on me in my present relationship. Sometimes I am not sure what's talking anxieties from past experiences or my intuition. So I just try to relax and let go, whatever will happen will happen I guess?
you get rid of fear by facing it
fear isn't real
what exactly are you so afraid of is the question to ask yourself and why??
understanding pain
pain and hurt is not your enemy...its your blessing....it alerts you that something is WRONG and needs to be fixed within you...and only you can fix it....love heals pain...if you subscribe to a belief that GOD is outside of you vs within you...then you may better understand this notion by opening yourself to GOD and surrendering all your pain
fighting, resisting, hiding, denying, running from hurt and pain just means it fights you back, keeps nudging you, chases you and waits for you...loving it heals it..understand your pain and the message it is trying to send to you instead of hating it, judging it and making it out to be the some outside source of negativity that is destroying your life, that mindset is what is destroying your life not the pain....all your hurts are your blocks that stand between you and your own source of love
one of the biggest beliefs people subscribe to is the one that they are unworthy and need to "earn" love..from GOD, from parents, from lovers, from society....so everything that is done is to "get" love....thats why people think love is an action vs an energy and we tend to assign actions and conditions to love as if that is what makes it so...parents do it to kids, friends, lovers, family do it to each other and so many people seem to not
"feel" it and tend to get broke down over "love" vs built up
love isn't anything to get, to earn, to lose, to not deserve
its who you are once you tune into it you tune into life....you connect to everything and everybody
your emotions are simply energy your feelings use to guage your experiences......negative emotions let you know what isn't love...positive ones let you know what is....release the judgements on the negative aspect of life and understand they only exist to enable you to really be able to appreciate and experience in physical form what love and life is really about.....
the old saying...its all love
nothing isn't love in the grand scheme of life