Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist issue


Well-Known Member
I recently started getting my hair done by a great stylist in Harlem. She seems to really understand the science of hair, plus my hair looks like black swinging silk by the time i step out of the salon. I last went to her 2weeks ago when she made a comment about my newgrowth "screaming at her".. yet after she finished styling my hair, it looked like i had a fresh relaxer. I was only 6 weeks post and was not about to get a touch up that soon. Now im at week 8 and my new growth is actually SCREAMING at me lol.. I have .75" of unstretched, DENSE NG. I dont want to get a relaxer just yet (will probably wait 2 more weeks) and i hate to sound negative because i anticipate a darn tongue lashing from this woman... Hence why i cant stand the whole salon "experience" .

How do you deal with this? I'm tempted to tell her (IF it comes up) I have my monthly and i dont get my hair relaxed during that time... I dont want to damage the client/patron relationship over this. I honestly feel, i PAY her $40+ tip to wash n style my hair, so she needs to just deal with it:look:
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

Hmm. The last time I got a relaxer, the stylist was on the phone with someone who was cancelling her appointment and rescheduling for week 12. His "concern" was that her hair was going to "fall out". They must be taught that in school, and for clients who don't know how to stretch, they may be right.

If you guys are close, just ask her if she notices any excessive breakage. When she acknowledges that she doesn't, then tell her you assure her you know what you're doing, and explain to her why you're stretching.

I would probably have that problem, but I'm liberating my stylist and becoming a total DIYer in 2008, doing my first self-relaxer in many years at week 12. :yep:
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

Yeah, I'm feelin you on this. I don't know why these lazy ass stylist feel like they can demand you get a perm. It's like do you have a problem with my NG? I think it's part lazy and part them trying to care for your hair. I would just tell her the date you'd like to perm and leave it at that. Let her know that you know you have a lot of ng but on this date you want to perm. Let her know you are wanting to give your hair a break. She should respect that.
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

Seriously, if she brings it up, just be calm a/b it and say "I want to wait 2 more weeks". Then, if she whines or makes a dumb comment, just look her in her eye and say, "I don't know what to tell ya". She'll be fine :yep:
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is


Where in Harlem is this salon/person.
How does she get your newgrowth straight? I'm assuming this is a non Dominican salon by the price of your wash and set :lol:..
Do you bring your own products or does she use her own ?
Thanks !
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

I would suggest that you wait until your ready to get TU before going back. That way you can avoid having the confrontation about why you want to stretch.
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

I would suggest that you wait until your ready to get TU before going back. That way you can avoid having the confrontation about why you want to stretch.

Why does it have to be a confrontation? Don't avoid this stylist, you better learn to stand your ground right now.

Why do we forget that we are PAYING for service at the salon and that you have a CHOICE in what happens to our hair.

Go to the salon, when you walk in say "I only a wash & go," if she presses the issue, tell her you aren't concerned with it being bone straight, but that you want your hair clean and you'll be back in two weeks for a relaxer. End of story. She can't force you to relax. If she is professional she will do what you ask, take her $40+ tip and the most she can do is talk about you when you leave.
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

I think you should tell her why it is that you want to stretch and the befits that you belive your hair has received from it. Ask her if she has a problem with this. If she does, then let her know that you might need to find a stylist that is more inline with your methods for taking care of your hair.

After this conversation I would also be attentive to how they treat your hair. If they seem like they are being resentful or trying to prove a point by being overally rough on your hair...I would thank them for their services and get to steppin'. You don't need anyone who is not on board with your hair care practices and is going to be counter-productive to your efforts. Just my .02.
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

It is your head and you are paying her. Some stylists hate to deal with hair in it's natural state or just want to do what they want to do with your hair. If she starts to act up or being rough with your hair after you tell her, jump up and hightail it out of there!:grin:
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is


Where in Harlem is this salon/person.
How does she get your newgrowth straight? I'm assuming this is a non Dominican salon by the price of your wash and set :lol:..
Do you bring your own products or does she use her own ?
Thanks !

I'll send you a PM about her name, but the location is on 135th and 7th avenue. No, she's not dominican lol

She uses high end black salon brands (Design Essentials, Mizani, Keracare Affirm, etc) last time she washed my hair with DE organic cleanse then a moisturizing poo, then used a mix of Kerafuse and DE stimulations on me as a deep condition.. mind you, my hair is not in love with any of these individually, but the mix was good for my hair. She blew me dry on COLD for what seemed to be maybe 10 mins MAX using the mixzani thermasmooth system. Afterwards she used a marcel curling iron me... thats where my hair takes on the silky look. She's very gentle the whole way thru, so no tugging or ripping a comb thru hair to detangle.
when i wash my hair in between visits i sit under the dryer w/ a rollerset to minimize heat exposure... so far so good tho!
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

It is your head and you are paying her. :grin:

My thoughts exactly!!!!

She may be happy im NOT getting a relaxer after all, especially since she's anticipating a huge holiday rush...

BTW, thanks for the advice everyone!!
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Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

I don't know beana, I understand what you mean about the stylist/client relationship so the monthly excuse seems sufficient. You don't want anyone bitter on your head thats for sure. But this situation really irks me as well. My last relaxer I was 8 weeks post and my stylist told me that I need to come for my touch-ups every six weeks because of the breakage i got. :perplexed I went from 12 weeks to 8 and now he wants me in there every six. Seems like they can never be satisfied. :nono:
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

Beana, out of curiosity did you give up on self relaxing with Design Essentials?
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

Tell her you dont have the money for a touch-up...she will shut up then...
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

Beana, out of curiosity did you give up on self relaxing with Design Essentials?

My sister used to apply the design essentials. It was okay, but I found myself looking for something better, and I found it!!!! ORS lye is much better for my hair and my sis (who still applies my relaxers most of the time) loves it. I find the DE to be harsh on the scalp. ORS lye is very gentle on my hair and scalp and straightens my hair well while leaving it moist feeling and shiny. I also find I'm able to go longer in bw touch ups because the ORS seems to leave more elasticity and strength in my hair to fight breakage around touch up time
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

Tell her you dont have the money for a touch-up...she will shut up then...

I agree..........Just say its not in the budget ....
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

Okay Ladies, so i went in and got my hair done and now im eating crow... She didnt say a peep about my new growth!!! I feel kinda ridiculous, especially since i built up this whole scenario in my head:blush:
Re: Anticipating pressure from my stylist to relax... the infamous Client/ stylist is

I don't know beana, I understand what you mean about the stylist/client relationship so the monthly excuse seems sufficient. You don't want anyone bitter on your head thats for sure. But this situation really irks me as well. My last relaxer I was 8 weeks post and my stylist told me that I need to come for my touch-ups every six weeks because of the breakage i got. :perplexed I went from 12 weeks to 8 and now he wants me in there every six. Seems like they can never be satisfied. :nono:

You went from paying him perm $ every 12 weeks to paying him perm $ every 6 weeks. He doubled his money. Perhaps you can treat any sheading with a protein treatment and save the extra $s.