Anti Fungals for growing hair


New Member
Hi ladies,

It just occurred to me (yes kinda slow) that antifungals seems to grow hair. Some people are using MN (ingredient in Monostat and Neosporin) and others sulpur, and getting great results. Maybe it is not the product but the fact that it is an antifungal. Has anyone else considered this or tried any other antifungals that they want to share?
I have not used them but I think some people were thinking of trying antifungal EO's like tea tree and grapeseed.
I have both coconut oil and tea tree oil in my concoction. They are both anti-fungals.

ETA: I had been using neem, but had to stop because the smell would come up out of my scalp when I started sweating during my work-outs.
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Also sulphur, jaborandi,(Indian Hemp), Quinine, Neem etc. have these properties as far as I understand when doing throrough research. bonjour
I have TTO in my mister - I haven't noticed any faster growth, but I HAVE noticed fewer scalp itchies.