Answered Prayers


New Member
I posted this in the off topic section first. I'm posting here also. Hubby passed his board exam! You ladies prayer and support meant the world to us. Thank you so much! To God be the glory!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers that we will make the right decision as to where to go from here. Also, fianances continue to be an issue at this time since I am the only one working, so please keep that matter in your prayers.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart ladies!
Congratulations to your hubby and Praise God!!!!!!!! :)
I saw a mention of this in an unrelated thread in the off-topic forum and ran here to look for more details :)
I'm glad your prayers were answered: our God NEVER fails us and He will surely remain with ya'll the remainder of this journey :)

Ya'll remain Blessed!!!
Karrington is continuing to make a lot of progress, they say she is the best baby in the NICU, she is tolerating her feedings well and is taking a pacifier to help her learn how to begin the sucking and swallowing process, she is almost up to an ounce for her feedings, we're working with a great Occupational Therapist to learn how to properly care for her since she is still fragile right now. She poops and passes gas quite loudly, the nurse said she had to air out her incubator one day this past week, when she pooped her diaper and messed up her outfit. I've learned how to take her temperature and change her diaper, next they are going to work with me on how to properly bathe her. I'm so proud and love her so much, her Grandma does too. Her great aunt has bought her the cutest preemie outfits, but they told us not to buy too much because before we know it she will be too big for them.

Toodles for now, please continue to keep us in your prayers, God is still good and sitting on His throne. Keep us in your prayers PLEASE!!!