Answered Prayers..for small and great


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning with such lovely warm feeling :grin:and thought of
various prayers ..that I had in my heart and one in particular that seems very big..and elusive...
Okay I'll name it! My novel :rolleyes:... and my pic book being optioned for film
I heard a voice inside say..that's impossible and right away the next voice said with God nothing is impossible

After the marriage discussion thread and my feeling of God being so close and holding and watching me....this devotion was in my inbox...I'm sharing

Answered prayer does not mean only the giant things...
For example..there is a grant for visual artists and it urges the artists to appy not only in crisis but to request ordinary things in ordinary time that the artist has no funds for ..I love that nothing is too minute or too gigantic for our's all the same for Him and he delights in giving His children the kingdom

By Os Hillman
February 8

"For nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37).

I walked into the doctor's office for my pre-opt visit. The doctor came in and told me all about my procedure of arthroscopic knee surgery.

"So, doc. I have been told this is pretty routine. If that is the case, I have a golf outing I am responsible for that is four days after the surgery. Is there any chance I would be able to play golf that soon?" I asked. "Not a chance," the doctor responded. "You need to let go of that idea. You will definitely not be able to play golf four days after surgery. It may be minor, but it is still surgery." I was disappointed, but I had resigned myself that I may have to host the event for my friend's 50th surprise birthday celebration as a spectator. Nevertheless, having no shame, I prayed anyway that God would let me play.

My day of surgery came and when I awoke I was given my crutches and greeted in the recovery room by my wife. "How are you doing?" she asked. "I feel groggy, but pretty good." About thirty minutes later, she wheeled me out to the car and I used the crutches to get in the car. The next day I noticed I had no soreness or discomfort. I questioned whether I had even had surgery. But the three incisions and photographs assured me it had taken place.

By that afternoon, I could put all my weight on my right leg without discomfort. I put away the crutches and began walking unaided. The doctor called from the hospital to inquire about my progress. Angie answered the phone. "Is he supposed to have soreness and pain from this procedure?" she inquired. "Oh, yes. He should be pretty sore and experience some pain," said the doctor. "Well," she said. "He has no pain and no soreness. He is walking like he has never had surgery!" "That is hard to believe," said the doctor. "In fact, that is incredible!"

The next day, I could go up and down steps with full weight on my right knee. Then, only four days after surgery--I played 18 holes of golf for my friend's 50th birthday celebration. The day after the golf outing, I awoke with no soreness and no pain.

Do you need something special from God? "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" (Phil 4:6-7).

Nothing is impossible through God!
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Here is another devotion again that seemed to speak to my quiet spirit this morning
that all was indeed every need is being attended and Lord is with me.
The pastor of my chuch had a special way of asking after a person
"How is it with your soul?" This morning I can say like that old hymn...
It is well with my soul

"The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:26 NIV

Today, God's looking out for you!

When Dallas Willard was a child he lost his mother. He writes about a little boy whose mom also died. Every night he toddled into his dad's room to ask if he could sleep with him. Only when his father promised to sleep with his face turned towards him, did the little guy feel safe enough to doze off. Willard writes: "We can get by with a God who doesn't speak. Many of us at least think we do. But it's not much of a life, and it's certainly not the life God intends or the abundant life Jesus came to make available."

Moses prayed, "The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Isn't it wonderful to know God watches over us, guides and protects us 24/7? In fact, the most common promise in Scripture isn't about salvation or heaven. No, the most frequent promise in the Bible is, "I will be with you" (Jos 1:5 NKJV). It's the one God made to Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Mary and Paul. And it's the one that kept them going! David said, "Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me" (Ps 23:4 NLT). God was constantly reminding His people that He was with them through the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, the manna in the wilderness, and the pillar of cloud and fire that went before them. Just like He's reminding you today, "Do not be afraid or discouraged...the with you" (Jos 1:9 NLT). Be at peace today, God is looking out for you!
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7:34pm NYC

I just came back in from a lovely Sunday out
Turned on the TV
the show House was on and there a young boy who looked into
the camera and said nothing with God is impossible
expecting miracles
God seems to be speaking to you loud and clear Kayte. I think He's speaking to me too thru your post :scratchchDontcha just love when He does that? God is wonderful.
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