Another Testimony! I Passed The Test Thanks To Your Prayers!


Well-Known Member
Well God is so good!:clap: I thank the Lord so much for you ladies that faithfully pray for those of us who request it!. I asked God for confirmation on an issue and a decision I was dealing with within 7 days, and He delivered in 24 hours!:eek: It was a struggle too, a battle. I'll share my story with you.

I have been in the home based business industry for 4 years now. My first 2 years I failed miserably until I learned about a trainer named Dani Johnson, a beautiful anointed woman of God, who not only is unashamed of the Gospel, but teaches you the truth about what it really takes to succeed in business (her site is - not an affiliate link). I got started in a company and from plugging into her training I earned a little over $60,000 in less than 18 months 100% from home working less than 10 hours a week around my 2 year old (now 4) daughter's nap schedule.

Well, unfortunately, that company didn't have the management or finances to sustain our growth, and they basically went belly up and ever since then I had been unable to commit to anything. I because the 3rd servant in the parable of the talents. Instead of utilizing the talent I had for HIS glory, I allowed my PRIDE to keep me inactive. Financially we went through many struggles eventually going through a repossession and many other trials, but even though I was being disobedient in not using the gift God had given me, I was still faithful in my tithe. I have documented PROOF, that God supernaturally provided for us financially. We brought in $2,000 a month but had $3,000 in bills yet we never got an eviction notice, never went without food, never had our lights turned off, God was faithful.

So anyway fast forward to 2007. I get started in a company, and instead of being WISE and finding a source of income to run and sustain my business during the building phase, I decided that I could make money without investing anything into my future. I made a little bit initially, but as you know there are seasons of plenty and seasons of famine and I was not prepared for the famine. So what happens? For the entire year of 2007 I basically let the devil drag me around by the nose from company to company. I allow him to lie to me and make me believe that if God really wanted me in such and such company, everything would be easy and I could invest $25 in advertising and make six figures (stoopid and I know better, yet I fell for it). I because depressed because here I had all the talent and skill bottled up inside of me, but because of my UNGRATEFUL spirit, I couldn't see the blessing right in front of me.

Well 2007 was the year of completing. I decided I was FINISHED with distraction and no longer would I be plagued by "The Grass Is Greener Syndrome." It took me a year to finally get it: the grass wasn't greener, I just wasn't taking care of my own field.

So finally, I woke up to the enemy's deception and I stopped pursuing all businesses and went looking for a source of income. Well I applied for several companies and not only did God bless me with a job I WAS NOT QUALIFIED FOR, but he actually blessed me with 3! I actually had employers chasing ME down! For a 26 year old women with a GED, being chased down for positions that the average person in that field was 35 years old with a minimum 2 year college degree, that was ONLY GOD! Well not only has he blessed me in my job, but I am currently number 15 out of 131 agents on my program and I'm a newbie still!

So I finally woke up to the Favor that God had BEEN pouring out on me that I never recognized. 2008 came and I had all my goals set and was determined not to look to the right or the left. The enemy sent many nice well meaning people my direction to try and tempt me away from my company, but it didn't work! Finally! He couldn't get me with that one!

But when the snake knows that God is blessing you he is always right there trying to sabotage what God is doing. THIS time, the distraction came from a direction I was not expecting - the company itself. You see, the devil KNEW God had blessed my finances to where money was no longer an issue in building my business, so he went for the lack of patience (See Nice & Wavy! I told ya!:lachen:)

Without boring you all to death, basically the company had made some announcements that were good announcements, but they were running just a couple weeks behind. Now to a normal person oh it's no big deal, but for an impatient person, it's the end of the world!:lachen:I was ready to quit, ready to throw in the towel, ready to look for another company, in TEARS......BUT GOD!:clap:

I was oppressed by a spirit of confusion (which we know who the author of that was) and began whining, murmuring and complaining. Well I then asked for your prayers and began to seek Godly counsel. Well, Dani has a show (she puts the recorded videos online) called Spirit Driven Success and the most recent show SPOKE DIRECTLY to me! I got it! I was still frustrated, still angry, still confused, but I knew I had the wrong attitude. Well finally, I spoke to a leader in my organization who is very wise and discerning. I appreciate him because he's not the hype you up and lie to you type but gave me the good, bad, and ugly. Working with him I was able to look at the situation realistically, get out of my emotions and now I am back on track!

What I learned is that distractions can come from anywhere, and it's not always necessarily "negative." The announcements were positive, but when the enemy got me to change my FOCUS, that's when the trial really got going.

I really hope my testimony will be a blessing to someone else. I asked d God for confirmation within 7 days and he gave it to me in 24 hours. I know God has something HUGE in store for me in 2008 for the enemy to be nipping at my heals this early! But thankfully I have Godly counsel, Godly friends in all of you, a Godly mentor, and, Godly leadership in my company.Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for me. I need it!
Ahhhhh....2008, the year of New Beginnings!

That "patience" message was for you just didn't know it at the time....:lachen:

God is awesome, isn't He? I just love the Lord so much:yep:

I knew you would get your answer...when we are desperate, that's when God can move on our behalf.

If you see something is about to hurt one of your fast do you think you could really move? Girl, like Superman...right?

That's how the Father sees us...we are His children and although there are times when we don't see Him moving like Superman in "OUR TIME", He is always on time...never late, ever!

I'm blessed with this is awesome to know how God works in our lives and how we learn from the lessons of patience.

Blessings, always!
Ahhhhh....2008, the year of New Beginnings!

That "patience" message was for you just didn't know it at the time....:lachen:

God is awesome, isn't He? I just love the Lord so much:yep:

I knew you would get your answer...when we are desperate, that's when God can move on our behalf.

If you see something is about to hurt one of your fast do you think you could really move? Girl, like Superman...right?

That's how the Father sees us...we are His children and although there are times when we don't see Him moving like Superman in "OUR TIME", He is always on time...never late, ever!

I'm blessed with this is awesome to know how God works in our lives and how we learn from the lessons of patience.

Blessings, always!

:lachen::lachen::lachen:@ the bolded! Yes girl! It was total preparation for the trial to come! I think somebody (YOU) has a Prophetic Gifting!:yep:
:lachen::lachen::lachen:@ the bolded! Yes girl! It was total preparation for the trial to come! I think somebody (YOU) has a Prophetic Gifting!:yep:

It comes from hearing from the Lord and just doing what He says to do...and that day, WE ALL NEEDED TO HEAR THAT!!!

Blessings to you, always!
Happy to hear to you are on the right track and God is moving mightly in your life. Thanks for sharing your testimony.