Another Star (Winston Bennett) talks Sex Addiction and giving wife 2 STDs


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(click on link for video)

Winston Bennett played in the NBA during the late 1980s and early 90s, and while he may have been known for his on-court ability, he harbored an off-court passion that nearly consumed him.
In an interview with ESPN's "Outside the Lines," Bennett details his sex addiction, explaining that he slept with 90 women per month before he got married -- and approximately half that total after his wedding.
He says he would meet the women seemingly anywhere: "Malls, restaurants -- let's not forget -- prostitutes, massage parlors." His obsession with sex occupied huge swaths of time. "I spent a great deal of time either having sex, cruising for sex, calling for sex, looking for sex," Bennett told ESPN. He "very seldom" used protection.
Bennett's basketball career afforded him an "unbelievable" dating life. "One was never enough," he said. "Three or four in a day was very typical for me." Just one day after getting married, Bennett says he slept with another woman, and he later gave his wife two sexually transmitted diseases
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Wow, his video is honest:

20 years of marriage and 3 years of fidelity but if she cheats he will be out (he is saying this now even as a "Christian").
Wow. I am just....Wow. Wow. Do "some" men value women? Wow.

--> He wanted to cheat and he did not care if they were fat, old, short, tall,....he just wanted sex. Whoa....
Did she know about this before the wedding? See, this is what I'm talking about elsewhere. She said, "I trusted God enough to believe that Winston would change." After 2 std's? Maybe with her life? Yes, that is the supreme sacrifice, giving up one's life for another. But I think God had another scenario in mind. Sigh:whyme: How is faith in God going to fix this? Sometimes, God is saying to us, "Dummy! Can you see this mess? Run!" NOw, I'm glad he got help and saved what is left of his marriage. But is this the ideal? I'm glad he's being real as a coach and trying to help others. But get ur life together with God, just you and God. And it ain't ok for me to cheat but not you. She's living with a broke-arse heart every single day.
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NO, rather

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She is better than me on about five different levels. You risk MY life once, that's attempted murder, and Ion think God wants that for ANYBODY.
And the double standard is killing me. YOU cheat with Hundreds of Random women. You bring home diseases and put not only your life but the life of your wife and children at risk. But oh heaven forbid SHE steps out and you would be Ghost

You need your dick chopped off and a Labotomy to boot.

Man it seems like everyone one now especially married people have to be careful too.

Is nothing sacred anymore. And she STILL Stayed with him after all of that.
She stayed with him? Why certainly, she had the church to back her up. There she is, a hated woman in her own home and I just bet some elder is holding her hand and telling her that she'll disappoint God is she leaves because, afterall, divorce is sin. Well, so is adultery damnit! Women are guilted by society and religion to put up with this crap. I love God, I surely do but He loves me WAAYYYYY more than me having to put up with some crap like this just to prove to the world that I have accepted Him as Lord and Savior. Man!
This really sickens me. It sickens me that he had such an utter disregard for his marriage that he continued his behavior, and it saddens me that his wife married him in the first place. I am certain that she knew before she married him what he was like. 90 women per month? That's disgusting. :nono:
So...out of 20 years of marriage, he's been faithful for possibly 3?
I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this is ridiculous. I can't agree with this arrangement. The wife obviously has low self esteem and he has a warped view of intimacy and sex. I believe God can do the impossible, but at the same time, you should remove yourself from harm's way!!!

This is not a marriage testimony of faith, love and devotion.

I can only imagine the resentment their children possibly struggle with and their views of their parents.
She stayed with him? Why certainly, she had the church to back her up. There she is, a hated woman in her own home and I just bet some elder is holding her hand and telling her that she'll disappoint God is she leaves because, afterall, divorce is sin. Well, so is adultery damnit! Women are guilted by society and religion to put up with this crap. I love God, I surely do but He loves me WAAYYYYY more than me having to put up with some crap like this just to prove to the world that I have accepted Him as Lord and Savior. Man!

Girl, say what!??! I totally feel you. I hung my head in shame hearing her say that despite the drama she's been through in her marriage, she believes God for the impossible. Silly woman, God can do the impossible, but that doesn't mean you should continuously ignore the damage this man is doing to your temple! Pray for him from a distance and keep it moving.
The Bible states man is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. You can get divorced if adultery is involved. But self-esteem, money and appearances can also play a role in one staying married, unfortunately.
This is all so disgusting.

What makes it even more perplexing is that she STAYED! Yes deities can work through people for change, but umm, that's only if the person is willing to accept change. If you make one step, HE will make two, but this dude was stepping backwards and sideways to just get some bootay!
WOW at the video!!!

I know of this man! Shows you how small this world is, but Winston Bennett was my boyfriend's college basketball coach back in 2003. He got fired for hitting my boyfriend in the face during practice.

But anyway, his behavior is despicable. I don't see how the wife can be happy in this situation. That has to be very depressing and painful to put up with habitual continous cheating... Even though they are married, I don't see how she can comfortably have sex with him knowing he's been with all these women.

But hey, that's what the good old Christian creed says...forgive over and over and over just like God...seventy times seven! Yeah right! Wake up and use your logical thinking brain for the sake of your life!
She is broken down and has ZERO self esteem after dealing with his crap for years. It was low in the beginning of the marriage and you can tell that he is conceited and self-centered. I'm sure he has always made her feel like she was lucky to be his wife so she stayed. It sucks to be her.
WOW at the video!!!

I know of this man! Shows you how small this world is, but Winston Bennett was my boyfriend's college basketball coach back in 2003. He got fired for hitting my boyfriend in the face during practice.

But anyway, his behavior is despicable. I don't see how the wife can be happy in this situation. That has to be very depressing and painful to put up with habitual continous cheating... Even though they are married, I don't see how she can comfortably have sex with him knowing he's been with all these women.

But hey, that's what the good old Christian creed says...forgive over and over and over just like God...seventy times seven! Yeah right! Wake up and use your logical thinking brain for the sake of your life!

Um, God says forgive but He never said to be a dummy and go back. And Winston hits people too? :sad:
Um, God says forgive but He never said to be a dummy and go back. And Winston hits people too? :sad:
Yep. I asked my boyfriend more about this man yesterday, and he said when Winston Bennett was a coach at Kentucky State University from 2000-2003, he would take a lot of different girls in his office with the door shut and be in there with them for about an hour each.
Yep. I asked my boyfriend more about this man yesterday, and he said when Winston Bennett was a coach at Kentucky State University from 2000-2003, he would take a lot of different girls in his office with the door shut and be in there with them for about an hour each.

Ugh, what a total slimeball.

On a different note, they need to put the word Star in quotes, because Winston Bennett was a scrub in the NBA... "star" is giving him WAY too much credit!

Maybe if he had been focused on his game and not sexing anything on two legs, he mighta had a career...
His words: "She's the most forgiving woman I know" -- She's the most forgiving woman that I know !!!:nono:

He ends the interview with: "There's plenty of fish in the sea and more opportunity"-- that's in response to if his wife were to cheat on him.

Lady, your husband don't love you, and never did :ohwell:.