Another Secret to Hair Growth....


Well-Known Member
Exercise is one of the best hair growth aids. I have been working out lately ...mmmm past 3-4 weeks and my hair has really thickened up.

Ladies don't sleep on exercise.

Has anyone else noticed hair growth from exercise?
(sorry if this has been posted before)
Girl!!! Very surprising you posted this. I did notice that no matter what growth aid I used, my growth is still much slower when I am not exercising. I just began exercising daily again, so I am expecting much new growth!
Girl!!! Very surprising you posted this. I did notice that no matter what growth aid I used, my growth is still much slower when I am not exercising. I just began exercising daily again, so I am expecting much new growth!

:yep: I noticed that when I have my hair in braids during exercise...much more growth. I have been wearing either a wig or a phony bun. Now of course I don't exercise in it but I put either on after I'm done working out.

I wear my satin scarf to the gym:drunk: then after I am done showering and getting dressed throw my hair on and out the door.:grin: I used to wonder how I was gonna maintain or keep my hair before I started going to the gym. I knew I would work up a good sweat and "my" hair would be difficult to do in the little time I had to get to work. This seems to be working fine for I see yt women w/ blow dryers on every morning after their workout...I'm usually showered, dressed, makeup & hair done in 20 mins.
I exercise and I can't say whether or not I've seen a lot of growth because I stretch for long periods of time. I know I have to wash my hair more frequently because of the sweat on my scalp. If I don't wash my hair after every 2 workouts, then my scalp itches.
I hair DEFINATELY grows faster when I exercise regularly (3 times a week), especially doing cardio when I sweat a lot. I used to wonder why my hair grew quicker in the hot/warm months than when it was cold. I think the reason is that in past years, I would stop working out in November (after the holidays began) and would resume in the Spring, and my growth slowed during my hiatus.

As an experiment, I decided to workout continuously thoughout the year, with no breaks. I am only 6 weeks post in my 13 weeks stretch, and I have at least 1" of new growth. So, my hair seems to be growing at the "warm weather" rate, but I'll know for sure after my touchup in February.
I definitely noticed it because I exercise regularly. The bonus is that it stimulates hair growth.
I have but i'm not gonna lie...i haven't exercised in months....MONTHS. its gonna be a challenged to get active again...but exercising & drinking water does help with hair growth.
I have but i'm not gonna lie...i haven't exercised in months....MONTHS. its gonna be a challenged to get active again...but exercising & drinking water does help with hair growth.
I also noticed my hair grows faster when I exercise and drink water ,and I get even more growth if I drink Protein Shakes.
I have been lazy and I have not exercise since summer months.
i've noticed this too.:yep: i don't know if it's the increased blood circulation, or increased hormone release, or the fact that i usually eat healthier when i'm exercising (protein shakes, balanced diet) -- its probably a combination of these -- but whatever it is, it works. plus its free & you get a better body in the process ... and lord know i need to make up for the holidays:)
Absolutely! I don't know if all of that sweating pushes out the NG or what, but it definitely works, expecially during the summer and other warmer months.
My hair growth is so improved when I work out!! I get up and do cardio in the morning for my hair :yep:
You've inspired me to get back to exercising. While I'm at it I also want to drink more water and get more protein. :)
I totally agree doing aerobics 3x a week for an hour makes such a difference to hair and body.
what kind of exercised do you do in the morning or whenever??
i gotta get back on it im feelin some extra fat in places i do not like.
Wow... what a good find! I play sports, but I think my problem is that I didn't really pay attention to my hair that much because I was too busy playing sports. It makes you really tired so by the time you get home you're just like "forget about it, I'll just wrap it and call it a night" but I know now that I should just keep working out, and pay more attention to taking care of my hair too. Thanks for posting this, girl!
i also suggest that you ladies hop in the sauna after you work out. i do & it feels great. some ladies even put on some condish before they get in. a dry sauna is great for skin as well. it also helps you sweat out the toxins in ur system. right now i can only stand 15 minutes but i'm gonna work my way up to 45 eventually. i wipe my face w/ a washcloth periodically to exfoliate. hth
i also suggest that you ladies hop in the sauna after you work out. i do & it feels great. some ladies even put on some condish before they get in. a dry sauna is great for skin as well. it also helps you sweat out the toxins in ur system. right now i can only stand 15 minutes but i'm gonna work my way up to 45 eventually. i wipe my face w/ a washcloth periodically to exfoliate. hth

always remember to replenish your electrolytes when sweating like that

I dont exercise much these days, but plan on working on that again soon
I work out 6-7x/week for about 60-80mins and I have not noticed any great change. Maybe I need to really pay attention.