Another prayer request


New Member
hi guys

I just just hear requesting pray. I have a lot going on in my life.. overwheliming some good and some bad. Im so emotional. There was a time when I reached and reached for God for help. I am still trying but I can honestly say I kinda given up.. not because I want to but im tired.. I feel weak kinda like I need God to come rescue me cause I cant deal with this stuff on my own no more. It is possible that even now he is wokrign things out but I dont see it yet. I need more strength I need more faith. I know god is real and he hears me and see mes but I dont feeel it and right now I need to feel it. I trying to do right but I need gods helps and I feel really empty sometimes. I just want to get rid of this empty feel quick..

I said a prayer for you. I asked God to give you peace of mind.

Whenever I need comfort, I go to psalm 23 & 27. They always sooth me.

Hi Inches- you are not forgotten by God. He hears you & feels your pain and is still working things out for you. My prayer for you is that God gives you victory over what you're going through and that you draw nearer to Him in the process. Whenever you feel weak or tired, just say 'Jesus, help me.' He will give you the strength to go on. Keep reaching- God will see you through.
Thank you ladies. I have this feeling, This is gonna be tough but I will fight back as much as I can to get through this.
God always wants us to get to the point where we give up trying to do things ourselves and leave it all to him.

And the word says that when you've done all to stand...stand. Thats it. If you read Eph. 6 about putting on the armour of God, the only thing he requires is that we immerse ourselves in him and then stand. He said he would rebuke the devourer and that he would raise the banner against him. Also the only offensive weapon in that armour is the word. So search his word to see his promises and to seek his guidance.

2 Kings 20:5 "I have heard your prayers, i have seen your tears, surely i will heal you."
Hi Inches- you are not forgotten by God. He hears you & feels your pain and is still working things out for you. My prayer for you is that God gives you victory over what you're going through and that you draw nearer to Him in the process. Whenever you feel weak or tired, just say 'Jesus, help me.' He will give you the strength to go on. Keep reaching- God will see you through.

God always wants us to get to the point where we give up trying to do things ourselves and leave it all to him.

And the word says that when you've done all to stand...stand. Thats it. If you read Eph. 6 about putting on the armour of God, the only thing he requires is that we immerse ourselves in him and then stand. He said he would rebuke the devourer and that he would raise the banner against him. Also the only offensive weapon in that armour is the word. So search his word to see his promises and to seek his guidance.

2 Kings 20:5 "I have heard your prayers, i have seen your tears, surely i will heal you."
ITA with everything stated above especially with the bolded. Remember while it is normal to have feelings, feelings can be/are very fickle. Don't allow your feelings to control you or you will be on one ugly ride:nono:. Hang in there. We are all praying for you. Remember too sometimes things may actually get worse when we pray for them before we can see the better in the situations. Hang in there... the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong but to the one that endureth until the end...
Well said...and Amen. :yep:

OP you are in my prayers today!

ITA with everything stated above especially with the bolded. Remember while it is normal to have feelings, feelings can be/are very fickle. Don't allow your feelings to control you or you will be on one ugly ride:nono:. Hang in there. We are all praying for you. Remember too sometimes things may actually get worse when we pray for them before we can see the better in the situations. Hang in there... the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong but to the one that endureth until the end...
hi guys

I just just hear requesting pray. I have a lot going on in my life.. overwheliming some good and some bad. Im so emotional. There was a time when I reached and reached for God for help. I am still trying but I can honestly say I kinda given up.. not because I want to but im tired.. I feel weak kinda like I need God to come rescue me cause I cant deal with this stuff on my own no more.

It is possible that even now he is wokrign things out but I dont see it yet. I need more strength I need more faith. I know god is real and he hears me and see mes but I dont feeel it and right now I need to feel it. I trying to do right but I need gods helps and I feel really empty sometimes. I just want to get rid of this empty feel quick..



From your Father in Heaven who lvoes you and has heard your every prayer. He has never left you and in His heart you are always there.

Rest... Sweet One. Don't be afraid to just 'fall' into God's arms and just rest. In His arms is just where He wants to be and just trust Him. Don't be afraid.... just fall and trust Him. He has you before you even lean over..... to fall. :love2: