Another Phytospecific Question


New Member
I would like to try the Phytospecific relaxer before the year is over. However, I have some questions on the maintenance products. What is the consistency of the Vital Force Shampoo and what other product would you compare it to? Can the Intense Nutrition Mask be used with heat? Or is the Vital Force Conditioner better to use with heat? Any advice would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

You might want to pm Zuppy or Sengschick. They both use phytorelaxer. I think sengschick uses the line too.
MissB, this is another reason why we are twins because we think a like.
I've been considering the Phyto relaxer as well and I was going to post about other experiences besides what I've already read on the board. Let me know if you find out any additional info.
I wouldn't give the maintenance products super rave reviews. They are ok. I actually found that they were kind of drying to my hair. I am relaxed, but not with the Phytorelaxer. I went crazy trying all the products and while I wasn't disappointed totally, I must say, if a shampoo and conditioner are going to cost so much, they better do a whole lot more than they did. The Vital Force shampoo and Vital Force Creme Bath are what I tried along with the rest of the line of maintenance products. I have had them all! I recently gave them to my mom (she's natural) because I could not bear the thought of those expensive products collecting dust! I would compare vital force shampoo to cream of nature in consistency and the creme bath has a weird texture. It is very gummy and sticks together. It is not creamy--it's almost stringy in texture if that makes sense. It did absolutely nothing for me besides make my hair feel like straw. Now, I really like the Beauty Styling Balm and Beauty Styling Creme. Those are keepers for me. The rest is out. I like Frederik Fekkai's line a lot better. Same price range and better results for me. I need slip and detangling and while the products are fragrant and supposedly contain all of these wonderful kukui nut oils and shea butter and what not, I did not see the benefits to my hair. This could get long, so I won't comment product by product. Just to summarize, the entire line, with the exception of the hairdressings, did nothing for me.
Oh and I used them without heat, but with a processing cap. I hardly doubt that would make a really big diff. Maybe the other Phyto fans had better luck! I was hoping those babies would be my holy grail! NOT!
Wow! Thank you for a great review. I appreciate your opinion. I also like the Fekkai products that I have tried so far.
No problem. I am glad that I could offer help. I love Frederik Fekkai's ACV rinse! It smells great and makes my hair so soft. I have never mixed up my own ACV rinse because I got hooked on this stuff. I like his shea butter products better than the Protein Rx line. Right now, I am into Aubrey and trying some other new things. I am fighting PJism big time!