Another one about the preacher's son.


Back to basics
Hey ladies,

It's me again with some other questions. I first asked about his church because i had never heard of anything like that before, being french and all. ( )

Just for background: I'm catholic with a twist, but defenitely christian.

Anyway, we talked some more about religion, and i've been wondering a lot!! Like one of his favorite "excuses" for being harsh is "i care about you, so i don't sugarcoat it" !!

Here's basically what he told me : what i believe in is wrong (the virgin Mary among other things), my catholic baptism didn't count IN THE EYES OF THE LORD!! (mainly because i wasn't totally immersed in water and what follows), the spirit doesn't go to catholic churches, HIS bible is the ONLY one that tells the truth (original King James Version, I'm not into bibles myself), and basically anyone that's not of HIS religion will go to hell because they were mislead (i keep thinking "who is he to say who's going to hell or not?").

Now maybe some of you believe the same thing, and i'm not putting you down, just as i'm not putting him down. Everyone is entitled to his own beliefs. But for tose of you who don't, doesn't it sound a little intolerent?

second question : him being a preacher's son, he's very passionate about it, but do you think i can make him add stuff like "this is what I believe" in the begining of his sentences. I've told him that already and he used his "excuse".

Third question: can something meaningful come out of a "catholic with a twist/holiness church preacher's son" relationship?

PS i really like this guy but this whole religion thing is a big deal to me, as well as to him. I don't mind being with someone with different beliefs, but i need tolerance from my partner!!

This is my take on interreligion (I just made up that word, I guess it would be dating people of different religion than yours) dating: I'm catholic. I was raised in Haiti where the general tradition is that a woman takes on the religion of her husband once married. That was cool with me because in Haiti we didn't have that many denominations. The variety were not that many. Most christians were either Catholics or Baptist. I use to go to church with many baptist so I knew what it was all about and I didn't mind it.

Since I moved to the States, there are so many different denominations within the protestant religion that I decided I will remain catholic. I wouldn't mind marrying a protestant but he would have to accept me as a catholic and that our children would be raised as catholics.

This preacher' son sound like he has his mind made up. I wouldn't date anyone who think his religion is the only saved religion. I know what I believe in but I also have respect for other peoples belief. I don't have to agree with it but we all have free will and are able to choose what we believe in. Unless you are willing to give up your beliefs and take up the preacher' son belief, I don't see this relationship working. I see that you are willing to accept his religion as his own but it doesn't sound like he is willing to do the same for you. My humble opinion.
Q1: I was raised in a pentecostal background, and though I do not agree with many things that Catholicism teaches, I do think your PK is going very overboard. The only way any understanding can come when you have such discussions is if you point to the Word. For example, he stated that the spirit doesn't go to Catholic churches. Well, then the next thing I would have done was to ask him to find for me in the scripture where the HS went to any church? And I would then point him to the book of Acts where the HS indwelled believers at various locations (note, not a physical building).

Q2: Hmm, my first guess would be probably not. And lets say for arguments sake he did begin his sentences like that, it still would not change his views and the manner in which he expresses them.

Q3: It depends on what you mean by meaningful. If you mean a future as in you see him as possible marriage option, then my opinion is no, unless he becomes Catholic or you become holiness. Like Keen said it is usually the woman who ends up at the man's church. I have a friend who was raised penecostal, and she married a man who is Catholic. Now they both go to a Catholic church they decided to join together, so in this siutation it worked out fine.The thing is that even if you two did come to some sort of understanding of tolerance (i.e. I'm Catholic, your holiness, we go to our own churches, and its all good), this can quickly get heated in a marital situation especially when children are brought into the picture (and trust that is something you don't want to deal with). And unlesss you wanna deal, I would reevaluate this rlp.