Another Nikos Cousin Sighting


Well-Known Member
I met Jaded_Farie yall! (Hey girl:hiya:)

So I am at work and this table sits down. When I bring the food over the young lady at the table compliments my headband and asks me how long I've been natural. I tell her I'm transitioning and I'm about a year post. Well she gets to telling me about her bc and how she's APL now. I somehow let the term brastrap length slip when she mentioned her goals and suddenly I was exposed as a Nikos cousin. We squealed and hugged and it was like BAM! Insta-friend! So we just:blah::blah::blah: about hair for awhile and it was so fun! And she so cute and nice ya'll.
Nikos Cousins- We're everywhere!
Yeah, when I hear folks (in the real world) use words like _______ weeks post, big chop, moisturize and seal, MBL, APL, etc...I'm like ummm hmmm what sites are you lurking on. I've yet to meet a LHCF member though!
I was at a restuarant and I wanted to ask our waitress was she a nikos cousin but I just didnt have the balls. Her hair was beautiful. Does anybody work at the RED LOBSTER in Detroit suburb on middlebelt???
Yeah, when I hear folks (in the real world) use words like _______ weeks post, big chop, moisturize and seal, MBL, APL, etc...I'm like ummm hmmm what sites are you lurking on. I've yet to meet a LHCF member though!

I know! One time, someone was using those words and I was taken aback. I wasn't brave enough to ask her though (this happened months ago).

I'm kind of afraid though of meeting people in real life from LHCF :look:. My hair can be such a disappointment most days so I pray that I'm not looking busted if I do.
I would be soooooooo squeeling too.
It's a family!

@ Nagawa,

Girl, you should see my hair now or on several other not so great occasions but no shame here, I know how it CAN look LOL
I would be soooooooo squeeling too.
It's a family!

@ Nagawa,

Girl, you should see my hair now or on several other not so great occasions but no shame here, I know how it CAN look LOL

That makes me feel better, but I swear when I look at LHCF pictures, I look back at my pics w/ hairstyles I've tried on myself (I don't post them :look:) and immediately get the urge to DELETE :lachen:

It's like your busted is NOT equal to my definition of busted. I've been trying my best to be neat with it, but daaammmnnnn. The parts are never straight, there is a bulge in the middle of my flat twist section, and let's not talk about the flyaway hairs that "magically" appear at the end of the day :rolleyes:

I need to learn how to do my own hair... It's sure is a struggle though.
I know! One time, someone was using those words and I was taken aback. I wasn't brave enough to ask her though (this happened months ago).

I'm kind of afraid though of meeting people in real life from LHCF :look:. My hair can be such a disappointment most days so I pray that I'm not looking busted if I do.
Girl, my hair looks busted more times than I'd like to admit..but it's healthy. :yep:

Women who frequent forums such as this notice haircare first before style.
Ha. I met one at my office. We were talking about hair and I said texlax. She was the one that didn't blink but said "I haven't texalaxed since I did my big chop". I said 'Long hair care Forum?" Her: "Yep"

It's a term the board settled on using when you wanted to ask a young lady, who you suspect may be a LHCF member because of her pretty tresses, if she was a LHFC member without feeling awkward about it. If she was not "Niko's cousin" then she'd be none the wiser about the real meaning of your question like a true LHCF would and would just think you've mistaken her for someone else's cousin.

The other option was flashing an L sign with your hands (for LONGHAIRCAREFORUM) but several people, rightfully so, pointed out that women would think you are calling them a Loser... LMAO :) HA!

Nikos is the guy who does LHCF's site maintenance. (scroll all the way down)
I love reading Nikos' cousin know somebody has met a cosuin when you see to grown behind Black women jumping up and down and squealing like they just won something on the Price is Right!!!:rofl:
thats exactly what I would do. sometimes I see ladies on the F train and I want to ask them sooooooooooooooooo badly if they are a niko's cousin. but Im NOT trying to get sliced!

I love reading Nikos' cousin know somebody has met a cosuin when you see to grown behind Black women jumping up and down and squealing like they just won something on the Price is Right!!!:rofl:
This past winter, I was in a pizza shop by my house in Baltimore and someone asked me if I was Nikko’s cousin. I thought she said Nicole's cousin, and I was like.. uh nah, lol. Then she mentioned I looked like someone on the hair board, and I was like OOOHH you mean NIKKO’s cousin, LOL

She said she is a lurker but she recognized my hair, lol

It's a term the board settled on using when you wanted to ask a young lady, who you suspect may be a LHCF member because of her pretty tresses, if she was a LHFC member without feeling awkward about it. If she was not "Niko's cousin" then she'd be none the wiser about the real meaning of your question like a true LHCF would and would just think you've mistaken her for someone else's cousin.

The other option was flashing an L sign with your hands (for LONGHAIRCAREFORUM) but several people, rightfully so, pointed out that women would think you are calling them a Loser... LMAO :) HA!

Nikos is the guy who does LHCF's site maintenance. (scroll all the way down)

Wow that is cooooolll! Lol I would have never known, I see post about it from time to time and was wondering if it was a hollywood star lol!
I love reading Nikos' cousin know somebody has met a cosuin when you see to grown behind Black women jumping up and down and squealing like they just won something on the Price is Right!!!:rofl:

Smiling E, hey cuz!
It was like winning something! I've been looking for you and your sister on aisle 10 by the pharmacy. You know what they sell there! (I think it's 10:spinning:) LOL
Take care, I'm on the look-out! :creatures
I was at a meeting and a blk woman approached me asking if I was we started to talk haircare and I assumed she was on LHCF:rolleyes:
Ends up she watches Youtube videos on natural hair care etc. and gets alot of her knowledge and techniques from there:grin:

Hey, it's all good!!:yep:
When I first discovered LHCF and heard the term "Niko's Cousin," I thought people were referring to the Drew Hill member Niko.

I used to be so confused LOL.
Nikos cousin stories are really cute. I just pray that a never meet a Nikos cousin looking like a mess. However, if the Nikos cousin was one of my hair idols would it make me weird to ask for an just saying I would be really happy.
Sooo cute I love reading your stories. I wish I too can meet you ladies in RL. I was squealing reading all your stories. So cool! Shout out to Toronto ladies!
I met one of Nikos' cousin's one time but she tried to act like she didn't know what I was talking about. I could tell by the look on her face that she knew exactly what I meant.