Another Newbie


New Member
Hi there this is my formal coming out post:) . I've been lurking this message board for so long that I can't even remember, I've been putting off buying a subscription because I'm a broke college student but, with my summer financial aid coming in I thought what the heck! I'm currently going into my senior year of college!! I don't know my hair type but, thanks to this board and you beautiful ladies I've grown my hair from shoulder length to about APL, I'll know for sure when I get a touch up in July. I'm in the process of changing hairstylists (because my current one doesn't listen to me:mad: ) and transitioning into a texturizer. I don't have any pictures as of yet, but I'll be getting a camera soon. I just want to say thank you to all of you wonderful women and the moderators for having such an open and understanding forum where women can come and receive information and advice. I hope to get to know you all and vice versa! Have a good day!!!:grin:
to LHCF, designer05! :wave: