Another newbie


Active Member
Hi ladies, just thought i'd introduce myself before i started posting on here. i cant believe i joined this site in 06 and have been lurking ever since.:look: I thought it was time i came out of lurking, anyhoo. When i first came to this site, i could not believe the amount of beautiful heads of hair i seeing, I've become obsessed over since.:spinning: I just want to thank you ladies for inspiring me to take better care of my hair. After much frustration with my hair, i cut all my relaxed hair off and, i have been natural for 2yrs and 3 wks to be precise, i'm currently in braids right now.........well i'm always in braids. but for the last 2 yrs i have been keeping my braids very moisturised, that was my main problem, so now they are never dry. I've experimented with many different products, products i would never have known about if it weren't for you guys. i am hoping i'll be APL by the end of September. thats down to you guys really.:grin: I'm 4b i think. Anyhoo i'm done.
Aaaww, thanks for the great welcome and the encouragements guys. you all have beautiful hair. sorry i took so long to respond, just turned my computer on and this has to be the first place i go to. :grin: