Another Newbie


New Member
Hi everyone! I'm another newbie finally coming out of hiding. Like so many others, I've been lurking for quite a while, but learning a lot in the process.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all, learning a lot more about my hair and doing some of your awesome challenges.

I currently use a texturizer, but I've been stretching for about 7 months. I keep going back and forth about transitioning, but I really think I'm ready for my next retouch - stretching this long is getting rough, LOL. I also love to henna. My main problem with my hair seems to be those little short hairs. They come and go, but lately they've been coming more than going:rolleyes:. I think my problem is moisture, and I've been trying to use a many moisture products as possible, but maybe I just haven't found my HG products yet.

Anyway, glad to meet cha!