Another Newbie Here (w/ Pics!) :-)


New Member
Hi everyone. I've been lurking on lhcf for a several months now and finally decided to join, yay! I'm transitioning and proud to say I'll be 9 months post relaxer come the first of the month. :yep: I have yet to do the BC though.

Here's a pic of my hair after washing and air-dry. You can see the two textures really well here.


And here is a close-up. I think I'm 4a?


Well, I'm glad to be here everyone! Wish me luck on my hair journey and lets all support each other! :)
Well welcome aboard and enjoy your journey. Since you have been lurking here for a hot minute you know if you have a question we will give you an answer or two, or three.....LOL

Have fun.
welcome!! I am new as well....
there is a wealth of information here, i am sure you will reach whatever goals you have set forth for yourself...
Oh and, you hair is nice and thick!!!
Welcome. I'm newbie too and learning a lot. Trust me, this natural hair thing is like going back to school but more fun with more benefits in the long run. I mean have any of you guys used geometry since leaving junior high school? Not me, total waste.