Another new person here.


New Member
Hello all, I am new to the forum. I've decided that I'd like to keep my hair (can't decide if it's shoulder-length or not) since moving to Korea with my husband. I've kept my hair cut really short for the last few years and now I'm going to get serious about letting it grow out. It's freezing here and I'm going to need all the tips I can get since it's been quite some time since I've been in weather this cold! We hope to be leaving Korea this summer (for Washington D.C.) but we're waiting on the Air Force to decide our fate. I hope to be able to bombard all of you with numerous questions because I'm going to need some serious help!
Fairly new myself, but since I'm a late lurker and probably one of the first to read your post I'd like to say WELCOME. /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I know the ladies are going to suggest that you keep your hair tied up in that cold weather and that you use protective styles. I personally do a lot of deep conditioning and hot oil treatments during the winter months.
Anyway... Welcome again.
Welcome. I agree about protecting your hair from the cold air. I noticed on the really cold days when I didn't cover my hair I had more shedding then when I kept it covered outdoors. You should also focus on keeping it moisturized especially the ends. I don't oil my scalp...but I heard joboba oil is great for that(mine has been feeling a little dry latley, and I'm thinking of trying this). Also try some protective blowdrying or curling with a curling iron(definite no-no's for most of us...even on a good day). And once again, welcome.
Thanks to all for the welcoming. I'm excited to be still interacting with many in the states since I'm in priso---I mean, Korea. *smirks* I'm having a rough, rough time with my ends here. Sometimes, just pulling on them yields to strands in my hands. That's what I found has been happening on those really bitter cold days. I need a really good moisturizing routine as I'm trying to figure out what my hair needs to be moist...this is surely a battle!
Welcome Leshia! I am sort of new to the board too. But everyone here is so friendly, funny and helpful so I know you will enjoy your time spent here. I agree with Miss M, do alot of deep conditioning, hot oil treatments etc. and wear alot of protective styles. I live in Canada so I know what you are talking about. Since I have been doing this, just this past winter alone, I have seen a marked improvement with my hair in general and with breakage. You may want to try a protien conditioner to strengthen your hair such as Aphogee etc. (try doing a search on the board on this)

Again Welcome!
howdy! I also agree with the other ladies on keeping the hair conditioned, moisturized, and covered. Although I live in the sunshine state (Florida) it still gets cold here during the winter months. I usually keep my hair ends covered by putting them in a bun or a clip. welcome again!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Welcome Leshia /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hey Julia,
A fellow Canadian. Which province are you in? I'm in Alberta.
It finally got cold here a few days ago.
*waving at everyone* Thank you ladies. Just as soon as I find the "moisturizer for me", I'm going to moisturize like there's no tomorrow. I can't get to Korea and leave here bald! *smirking* Thanks again for being so warm and friendly!
Hi Faith,

Sorry for the delay in response, I just saw this /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
It is nice to see that there is some Canadian representation on the board along with all the other countries - this is great. I live in Ontario and it is so cold here now. It is so cold that it is making me miserable. I go straight from work to home. No shopping for hair products, just straight home to get outta this weather.
Hey Lesia, Welcome,

I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts and I'm sure you'll find the answers you're looking for, as you continue to visit the board. Again, welcome!