Another New Member - LHCF

New Member
Hello LHCF!

Li and I'm new to the board. I decided to join LHCF today because today is the first step to my RECORDED hair care journey. I've been transitioning for 6 months now and I have about 2.5 to 4 inches of new growth. Today I cut the bulk of my hair off to make my transitioning easier.

My hair was at a length where protective styles
weren't cutting it. It was too short for buns, and too uneven for braid outs, bantu knots, and twist outs. Plus the twists and braids while wet were snapping my hair, and then they were too slippery to stay in. I do not own a heat cap or a dryer to sit under so I have to make do with what I have. When I tried wet twisting and setting with rollers, the next day my hair exploded into a tangled mess of an afro. These protective styles were not doing the job for me.

I keep my hair straight while transitioning, but for the past 6 months I haven't been doing it in the healthiest way. Now I have a small hair regimen, though I have had yet to write it down or perfect it.

This is my introduction to the board, I will be back with pictures, products that I use, and questions!!!

I'm excited though, in the meantime any suggestions you guys might want to give me, feel free to go right ahead and leave it on the post!!

Welcome to the board!
There is a whole thread on transitioning, go check it out!


Here's a good place to start:

You said your hair was too uneven for "out" hair is all different lengths from nape to neck to shoulder and out styles tend to work for me because of shrinkage. If my hair were straight then it would look uneven. Anyway, I've found that when doing an out style it's best to start on damp, moisturized hair. That leads to less breakage because it's not too wet (fragile) and not too dry (and snappable).

Be careful when using heat because it can cause permanent loosening/straightening of your hair and other damage.

Happy hair growing!
msa - thanks for the link to the posts.

I guess I forgot to mention that I've been lurking around LHCF for about 4 months now so I've seen most of these posts. But there's no harm in revisiting.

The protective styles didn't work for me because I guess you can say I didn't like how they made me look. My hair works better straight now that I've cut it into a style. Rihanna-esque if you need a visual, but I cut my hair yesterday and I haven't wash it since so I'm excited to see what happens when I wash it.
welcome to the board i decided to transition to as i officially began to actually take care of my hair myself for the first time and yes we do have a long way to go to get these things right so you are not alone
Welcome to the board!!!!

My best suggestion, off the top of my head would be:

As a transitioner, try new products out slowly, and don't abandon the ones you're using now unless they stop working. You don't have use products specifically geared at naturals (most of the ones I used aren't). And adding new products to your routine one by one will help you to know which ones are helping, which might be doing more harm than, and which are just mediocre.


Here is my hair as of Dec 06, 08 when I chopped off about 3 inches in the back and one in the front, it'll be interesting to see how fast and long my hair grows by this time in 09, when my hair is completely natural!!!