Another introduction


Hello ladies! I'm Prosechild, and I'm a newbie here. I've been searching the posts for the past week, in hopes of solving a major shedding problem.

I was natural for about 10 months, and relaxed my hair in April. I'm not one to visit salons, so I got the recommendation from a friend. Well, the stylist was okay...she cut my hair in layers so that wasn't too complicated. But when I washed it myself, it was shedding reallly badly. I thought that maybe my hair was still getting used to being relaxed, but it kept shedding.

So finally in around May I started using Queen Helene Unscented Garlic Shampoo. While it was still less shedding than I had been experiencing, it was still pretty bad. On the sides, if I ran my fingers through or combed while wet, several hairs would come out at once - almost a clump.
My hair was also pretty dry, with lots of tangles that took out more hair when I combed them. I followed up with Queen Helene Cholesterol Conditioner under the dryer for 30 min. I only used heat about twice a month, instead doing protective styles.

Well one night I was worrying about it so much that I couldn't sleep. I came here and searched and searched...then I found the "What Have I Done?" thread. Then I finally realized that just b/c something says it works, doesn't mean it'll work for me.
Apparently my hair does NOT like Affirm relaxer; I've been a Motions user for years, I didn't even think to ask her what relaxer she was using. *smh*

I was so mad at myself for continuing to use a product that didn't work, and watching all my hair rinse down the drain. I bought Creme of Nature Detangling Shampoo and Motions CPR and used those. I also used the Motions At-Home conditioner. I'm happy to say that almost no hair came out!!
There was still some hair that shed though.

I don't take any meds or vitamins. Before I went natural, I washed twice a week using the Motions Neutralizing Shampoo and Conditioner ( I think the after-relaxer one, not the At-Home one). I would air-dry and put into a bun using one of the foam donuts.

So now, I have a longggg way to go (even longer than this post!! HA HA
) to get to my hair goal. My hair is only 5". I know it can be done, but now I'm probably going to cut it to 1" so that when it grows out, it'll be its full thickness - which is usually pretty thick.

Thanks for letting me vent!! Any suggestions and comments that you ladies have would be appreciated. This board has saved what hair I do have left and has helped immensely. Also, all of your albums are inspirational.
Welcome to the forum ProseChild!
I would recommend getting a 'hairbuddy'. It's something different members do here. They pair up with someone with similar hair types, goals, or those who just want to learn more about hair care together. I hope you enjoy the forum, meet lots of new people, and learn tons of new things!
prosechild I'm sorry to hear about your hair shedding! have you tried shampooing your hair with a neutralizing shampoo? that may help some if there was any residue left behind. The ladies here will help you with your problem/ great advice here. keep us updated on your hair!
Welcome! You came to the right place....your hair will be back on track in no time! My recommendation is to find a good leave in to keep your hair moisturised...profective breakfree has really helped my hair alot. Aubrey GPB is a great deep conditioner.
Thanks for all the welcomes and suggestions! I'm adding the Aubrey Organics and Profectiv Breakfree to my "To Try" List. Thanks again!

*skipping over to the Hair Buddies Thread*
Welcome to the board! I just had a setback myself and have about 5 inhces of hair in alot of places, probably will have to chop another inch at least pretty soon. But I grew my hair long once with the tips from this site so I know it can happen again, and it can for you too!
I am a newbie too and have recently experienced hair breakage from using the product(s) so I feel your pain cuz! I'd love to be your hair buddie as we take a journey to hair recovery. You'll love it here, there as so many nice ladies who know their stuff. Again welcome!