Another, How to NOT relax your hair!!!!!!

Well she only based down the middle then across so I bet in between in the areas that weren't based have burns. If it was me I know I would have burns... :ohwell:
The cut looks really uneven and I don't know if it's just me but the hair looks clumped together, like how it is when it's oily and dirty. :nono: After a relaxer your hair is supposed to be looking FRESH. :yep:

Hm some people in the comments said they wouldn't let her do their hair and one reason for that is because she's wearing a wig. My stylist wears a wig and she's AWESOME. Then again, my stylist's wig never looks jacked up. :lachen:

For some reason though, the client looks sad in the end... :perplexed
(^ Oh well, I could be over-thinking that last point.)

ETA: Never mind, I just read some more comments, there are people that would agree that her hair looks like the stylist dipped it in chicken grease and that she looks like she wants to cry due to the final result of her poor hair. :nono:
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Well she only based down the middle then across so I bet in between in the areas that weren't based have burns. If it was me I know I would have burns... :ohwell:
The cut looks really uneven and I don't know if it's just me but the hair looks clumped together, like how it is when it's oily and dirty. :nono: After a relaxer your hair is supposed to be looking FRESH. :yep:

Hm some people in the comments said they wouldn't let her do their hair and one reason for that is because she's wearing a wig. My stylist wears a wig and she's AWESOME. Then again, my stylist's wig never looks jacked up. :lachen:

For some reason though, the client looks sad in the end... :perplexed
(^ Oh well, I could be over-thinking that last point.)

You definitely weren't over-thinking. She definitely had an attitude and looked as though she had been crying (and rightfully so!)
You definitely weren't over-thinking. She definitely had an attitude and looked as though she had been crying (and rightfully so!)

Yeah I thought so too since when I was beginning high school I got a BAD hair cut almost like that where the back of my hair (that was always the same length as the rest of the hair) got snipped off. My face looked just like hers when I saw the final result. It took a GUY telling my mum that the stylist was chopping away before she actually put the scissors DOWN due to my mum realizing and setting it off in the place. The girl that was doing my hair was REAL scissor happy that day... :rolleyes:
Ever since then the back of my hair just kept breaking off, it's only NOW starting to recover. :ohwell:
Yeah, that poor lady was not happy. :(

*eyeroll* at the stylists saying the client's hair "flows" and "shakes".

Maybe in hurricane winds...
Wow, its not even funny but I'm sorry I was creasing up with laughter! It was the clients face like yeah whatever you have jacked up my hair!!!! :rolleyes:

Whether stylist wears a wig or not she does not know how to do hair!
She said ...
"now you can see how her natural hair is wavy, she doesn't have bad texture of hair, she has a good texture of hair, but she doesn't like it to be wavy" :blush: Now what is bad texture of hair Miss Wendy Williams .....Then after she says that she apply tons of relaxer on her scalp!!! :lachen: This lady is something else .....

Look at her client face shes so not happy :nono:
Laaawwwwd....That poor woman! I couldn't get past the flat iron marks down the length of her hair. That's not how hair should look right after a fresh relaxer and cut. I think I'd have to run straight to the next stylist for a weave or some braids after that debacle.
I was kind of chuckling during the first video because of how unprofessional the whole thing was (oops! forgot the gloves! :lol:). Then I saw the second one and sobered up when I saw that "end result".
Wow...she really messed up her hair. The client looked seriously upset -- she was rolling her eyes at the stylist :blush:
Maybe she just let her continue filming as a PSA to everyone else -- stay away from this lady or this could happen to you!
In 2000, I went to a new beautician for a retouch. I asked for a shag type style like how Judge Hatchet was wearing at one point. She cut my hair into a mushroom and the bangs went farther back on the left side than they did on the right side intentionally.


Two weeks later, I BC'd. It was over for me and salons at that point.
These videos were posted and dissected a little over a year ago on here. :nono:

Most people couldn't get past the "stylist'" bad weave/wig! I think these were the videos that sparked a whole debate on whether or not you would let a stylist with jacked up hair do your hair.
I'm so glad that she said where she was so you can avoid her. I'm mad that she called the poor girl's hairline the nape. :nono: And she overlapped like a mug and put relaxer all over her scalp while talking about her "good texture."

The client looks so mad. I'd be ready to cry with a greasy, limp, crooked cut with flat iron marks on the back. I'm mad for her. :wallbash:

I hope she went to a real stylist to fix that mess...

ETA: M*fo is censored now? :perplexed: Dang...
OMG! I can't believe she based her hair in 30 seconds and started relaxing. She's flicking relaxer in random spots on the previously processed hair and she just butchered this poor woman's hair. That's why she didn't upload video #2! :nono:
Lesson to learn. Just because you sit in that chair it does not mean you lose all rights to complaining or just stopping her and getting up out of that chair.

To sit through that, unhappy with the results and then PAY HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nono:

I know I haven't had a relaxer in a minute, but she did NOT look like she even needed a touch up.
Boy....Its such a shame..hopefully she has found this board. But honestly if you would have asked me 5 years ago if that was the way to do it.. I would of thought YES. Knowledge is power :hammer: