Another happy LTR customer


Well-Known Member
I had been using the leave in but this was the first time I used the conditioner. I want to say I didn't have any tangles but I had maybe three :grin:
My hair was so soft and the comb out was 100x better with a lot less tangles :clap:It was like my comb was gliding through my hair from root to tip. The new growth at my crown felt like a jungle before but the LTR tamed that for sure.
I think she means the Herbal Essences Long Term relationship....I got some this weekend but haven't tried it yet....
Girl they had a sale at CVS last week and all of the big bottles of LTR were gone. I managed to get a raincheck (YAY!) and they had a $2.00 off coupon in the paper today! :yep: I can't wait to try this!
I had been using the leave in but this was the first time I used the conditioner. I want to say I didn't have any tangles but I had maybe three :grin:
My hair was so soft and the comb out was 100x better with a lot less tangles :clap:It was like my comb was gliding through my hair from root to tip. The new growth at my crown felt like a jungle before but the LTR tamed that for sure.

YESSSSS! LTR gives such great slip! The conditioner and leave in combo is the best, it makes my hair so happy! :yay:
I have the conditioner but haven't used it yet. I am waiting to get the leave-in if I can ever find it. I'm also going to buy the shampoo and give it a try. I can't wait to get my hands on the leave-in though. Sounds so yummy:lick:
This stuff is amazing. I never realized what a leave-in should feel like until I tried LTR leave-in. I just roller set with LTR last night and my hair came out great!
I am still looking for this in my area I will just order some from

They don't have this collection yet. I check several times a week 'cause I earn cash back shopping online. has the shampoo and conditioner but not the leave-in; however, the prices are at the recommended retail value and aren't cheap. You can probably head to Wal-Mart - they tend to have everything :rolleyes:
yeah looks like I need to head over to Wally World because the Target I went yesterday didn't have it either. I am getting tired looking for this
I've been trying the Leave-in....not sure if I really like it though. It makes my hair hard, like I put gel in it or something:ohwell:. But it leaves other parts of my hair soft.
YESSSSS! LTR gives such great slip! The conditioner and leave in combo is the best, it makes my hair so happy! :yay:

I just bought the regular LTR conditioner, but I can't find the leave-in conditioner to save my life! I keep looking in stores, but they don't have it! It's the strangest thing!

Either there are a LOT of LHCF'ers in my area, or everybody is hearing about this great product! :lol: