Another Hair Salon Horror Story


Well-Known Member
Ok,'s a little story for you.

I promised a few days ago that I would post my "progress" pics to show the benefit of my 6 month heat hiatus.

Well, I regret to inform you that I won't have any "progress" pics to show thanks to another scissor happy stylist. I know..I know, I'd been warned! However, here is the complication: I absolutely adore my stylist. She's thorough, quick, and highly skilled and has never ever ever ever before cut this much off of my hair. I've established by disdain of trims since day 1 and until yesterday she respected my boundaries.

The thing that gets me is my ends were actually in pretty good shape. Mainly because about a month into the challenge I trimmed exactly .5 inches off my hair all around (I used a tape measure so I'm sure of this) so my ends were not that bad.

I didn't even notice how short it was until I got home that day and tugged on the back, before that moment I had never felt the need to cry over my hair before. Literally my hair is a smidge shorter than before the 6 mos. challenge.

Anyway, just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. Here's a bit of proof

First pic on left: Winter 2012 [December-ish]
Middle: May 2013
Right: Yesterday [June 2013]
Time lapse: 6 mos.


Needless to say, I will never ever allow anyone to cut my hair again. I will be self trimming from now on...even if my self-cutting is less than glamorous

So, yah. There goes all the hard work. I was hoping to have some length to show for my bday coming up but that's out to window. I'm thinking of just keeping it curly for awhile :sad:

Oh but, I'd hate to end this post on a sour as promised here is a pic of my hair from the start of my hhj to up until yesterday

Left pic: March 2011
Right pic: June 2013
Time lapse: 2 yrs. 3 mos.


So yah, thanks for listening to my rant ladies...
Carry on.
Omg, wow. I'm so disappointed (like its my hair) but we work so darn hard to end up not even at square one but at the beginning smh
We all need to take a vow that we will learn how to trim our own hair (if you don't know how to do so) because I'm tired of hearing these horror stories. If the stylist say you need a trim, tell them next time and you do it or straight up tell them you will do it yourself. I was just telling my SO with the stuff black people are learning about hair, eventually seeing black people with long hair will be the norm whether relaxed or natural and that excited me. Now i see us once having long hair and all of us walking around with horror stories about how our hair use to look. When will we learn? I haven't had a relaxer in almost 15 weeks and i was thinking about going to a salon next month to get it done and then I said oh no, I will do it myself, I don't want to be in tears or say i should of could of. Sorry for your loss though, but you already said you have been warned
I'm at the salon now getting a blow out. My trim on Monday was on curly, wet hair but when I roller set I saw that it wasn't the best trim. I was planning to trim the additional ratty ends today but now I'm scared.
sexypebbly said:
Your hair still looks gorgeous :)

It does look gorgeous. I want to punch your stylist in the throat.

Get some Njoys growth oil. Go check out the thread. You can gain it back by September.

No more stylists. That was a cut not a trim.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Praise the lord for my momma because she is the only one i make fool around with scissors in my hair
She lost her mind when she all that lush hair, she probably thought ooh, now I can hook her up with a good cut, she's gonna be so happy, not!. :look: I don't think it was malicious, but I agree with you that you should trim your hair yourself. This way you will have a valid reason for being mad at yourself if you mess up.

Your hair looks good though.:yep:
Your hair still looks gorgeous :)

It does look gorgeous. I want to punch your stylist in the throat.

Get some Njoys growth oil. Go check out the thread. You can gain it back by September.

No more stylists. That was a cut not a trim.

She lost her mind when she all that lush hair, she probably thought ooh, now I can hook her up with a good cut, she's gonna be so happy, not!. :look: I don't think it was malicious, but I agree with you that you should trim your hair yourself. This way you will have a valid reason for being mad at yourself if you mess up.

Your hair looks good though.:yep:

Thanks ladies! I'm still trying to recover, my hair had never been that long before :nono:

Get some Njoys growth oil. Go check out the thread. You can gain it back by September.

HanaKuroi Do you really think I could gain it back by September? If so...that would be amazing.

I'll purchase some asap! Thanks so much.
genesislocks said:
Thanks ladies! I'm still trying to recover, my hair had never been that long before :nono:

Get some Njoys growth oil. Go check out the thread. You can gain it back by September.

HanaKuroi Do you really think I could gain it back by September? If so...that would be amazing.

I'll purchase some asap! Thanks so much.

Not September 1st but the end. But I do think so! You have healthy, thick hair!

Yes and do your scalp massages.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
That pissed me off because they middle picture was nice. It will definitely grow back, but you did not even need a trim. She should have told you that instead of chopping it off. I don't think she was malicious, but she could have been more considerate.

Cheer up, its not like she can take the beauty away.