Another good reason to use Indigo (&henna)! --- They're Not Lying About the PPD!!


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And another good reason to do a patch test! Look at this!

Hair Dye Horror As Student's Head Swells Up Like 'Elephant Woman'

21.03.07 Add your view

A schoolgirl feared she was going to die after she was disfigured by a hair dye which she says left her looking like the Elephant Woman.
Stacy Ditroia, 16, struggled to breathe and was unable to see after her head and neck swelled up.
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Stacy Ditroia: Hairdye caused her face to puff up like the 'Elephant Woman'

The allergic reaction was caused by a £10 L'Oreal treatment which she had used to turn her hair chocolate brown.

She was taken to hospital where doctors managed to stop the swelling, but Stacy says she has been left emotionally scarred.

"I did the 48-hour patch test behind my ear and there was no reaction, so two days later I put the dye on my hair," she said.

"But soon afterwards my scalp started itching horribly. I wanted to tear my head off. The following day my hairline went bright red, I felt really hot, and the sides of my neck hurt as if the glands were swollen.

"I told my mum that she should still go to work, but when I looked in the mirror it was horrific. I looked deformed. My head and eyes were swollen and I was sure I was going to die. I phoned my mum."

Her mother Frances, 33, a nursery manager, from Brixton, South London, said: "I was met by the most horrific sight I had ever seen.

"I called an ambulance which took Stacy to hospital where they put her straight on intravenous anti-histamines and steroids."

The treatment made the swelling move down through Stacy's face to the back of her neck. She said: "It crushed my windpipe and I found it difficult to breathe."

Eventually the reaction stabilised, and Stacy was allowed home but had to take steroids and anti-histamines every day for a week. She said: "My relatives said I looked like the elephant woman. I still feel self-conscious."
L'Oreal told Stacy that a chemical called para-phenylenediamine in the colorant was the likely cause of the reaction. It has offered to pay for her to have tests.
A spokesman said: "Consumer safety is always our first priority and all our hair colorants are safe when used according to the instructions."

The company added: "Potential reactions can be detected by carrying out the skin allergy test as directed, 48 hours before using the product, every time it is used."
OT: Jigglebear!! the little Pug in your avatar is soooo cute. Reminds me of my furbaby when she was a pup. Now, 9 years later and at least five dogs worth of shedded hair, she is old and grey, but still as silly as ever!
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If anyone was covering their hair with plastic cap or bag etc. this is a big NONO!!! It could really jack you up!! Alss, when applying any kind of color, it id good to lift the hair in places with a tail comb so that the air gets to the scalp, (Learned this in Hairdressing school)....I remember the owner's reaction in a shop where I worked to anyone caught covering the hair or not airing it...."Do you have an idea what will happen if you do will break the hair and damage the scalp!"

Also some are applying it close to using other products....may not be the same for all but please be careful...ppd does not mix well for most people. bonjour
Hmmmm... My father colors his hair with L'Oreal and he's swelled up several times or has gotten hives over his face and neck. The doctor thinks it is the allergy meds he takes from time to time, but it may be the hair color. I mean, his head looked even worse than the girl's!!! :eek: :eek:

And I keep telling him he doesn't need to color his hair. :ohwell: I'm going to read this story to him first thing in the morning.

Thanks for posting, SecretDiamond! Maybe I can get him to use henna.....
Legend said:
Hmmmm... My father colors his hair with L'Oreal and he's swelled up several times or has gotten hives over his face and neck. The doctor thinks it is the allergy meds he takes from time to time, but it may be the hair color. I mean, his head looked even worse than the girl's!!! :eek: :eek:

And I keep telling him he doesn't need to color his hair. :ohwell: I'm going to read this story to him first thing in the morning.

Thanks for posting, SecretDiamond! Maybe I can get him to use henna.....

Your welcome.

I definitely think it could be the color too! Esp. if it's worse than that pic! I hope you can convince him to stop using it.
hmmmmm........don't the japanese/chinese use ppd alot?

and, i've even had my manager's wife give me packets of a product (to try) called Indica (indian version of bigen) that their whole family uses all the time. no one in their family uses pure henna cept for mostly conditioning (the smush their concoctions in a special copper plate.....looks icky hehe). they still use stuff like indica and bigen for that black color too.

some people are gonna have reactions to different products and some won't, i guess.
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I think PPD is usally in permanent dyes. It should be listed on the ingredients list. If it's not, I think you're pretty safe.

ETA: someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
seraphinelle, I don't think it's in the non-mix semi permanents.

It will be on the ingredient list.
It is usually used in dark permanent colours. Bigen has a lot of PPD in.