Another Bootleg Stylist Drama


New Member
ladies ladies ladies...another bootleg stylist drama....his is our correspondance which has been taking place over myspace....enjoy LOL...

My first Letter to him expressing my complaint:


I am writing you to express my utter disappointment with my last salon service. I came in Friday October 3rd for a relaxer. I notice while you were putting in the relaxer that you seemed to be scraping the jar for cream and did not seem to have enough to finish the top of my head. Being rather shy, I did not comment and figured you knew what you were doing. However, at the sink I noticed you go get a blob of relaxer from SOMEWHERE and slap it in the top of my head for a few moments before rinsing.

You then rinsed without conditioning my hair as has usually been customary. After the dryer, you flat ironed my hair and that was that.

A few days after the “service” I noticed that my hair seemed very course at the roots, and now feels like I haven’t had a relaxer for 4 to 6 weeks or more even though you supposedly relaxed my hair just over a week ago.

You had many other options than to give me this crappy service. You could have told me over the phone that you did not have enough relaxer and advised me to come in another time. (I also recall a previous service where you did not have enough color rinse for my hair, but told the shampoo girl to “stretch it”. My hair was half black and half my natural color, but you still charged me for the rinse without mentioning that the color not done properly.) This time you could have told me after washing the relaxer out that my hair was not straight and to come back and you would touch it up after a week or two (I have had a stylist do this before and I totally appreciated her honesty.) Yet, instead, you simply flat ironed my hair to give it the appearance of being straight while knowing all the while that my hair was not just UNDER processed but hardly processed at all.

I have been coming to your salon since April 2004 and I had previously been incredibly satisfied with your service. However, your professionalism has gone steadily down hill over the past year. At one point, I called you to set an appointment and asked if you had the Vitale Pro system you had used on my hair during the previous relaxer and you said yes. However, when I got to the salon you did not have it. You lied to me.

In addition to all this, when I called you to tell you about how poorly processed my hair was you said you would FIX it for $45!!!! In my opinion, you should have offered to fix it without charge because you know you did not do right by me. In my opinion you should have told before I left the salon on the 3rd that I needed to come in for a retouch because my hair was not properly processed.

I have been a faithful client of yours … allowing you to do my hair over the past 3 years as often as I, on a college student’s budget, was able to afford it.

However, after this last service I cannot imagine that I would EVER inquire for your services again and I will be sure to tell anyone who mentions hair EVER not to go to your salon if they wish to have professional and honest service!!!

Best Regards

(my name)


all that is not needed!!,you com in every eight weeks i did run low, you were the last client that day, and remember you called the the day of!!! and so i didn't have time to leave so one of my stylist gave me some relaxer for you. i dont mind a redu at all!!! but you need to check that bad attitude @ the door everytime you come in you are negative or depressed about somethimg!!im there to make you look good and feel good and that's all!!!.....and I will redo your perm without all that drama



I don't believe I was coming at you with a bad attitude. I was just stating how I truly feel. I tried to word it in as nice of a way as possible while still expressing myself clearly.

I do not come into your shop with a bad attitude and I'm not depressed. I'm a very shy and quiet person who does not talk a lot so perhaps that makes it seem like I'm in a bad mood or depressed. And I will examine that in myself to see if that is something I need to pay more attention to altering.

I do not feel that I have given you any "drama". I expressed my honest observations and feelings, and perhaps its just a truth you did not want to hear. Yes, I called the day of, but if you didn't have what you needed you should have let me know before I came in and I would have come another time. And none of what you said justifies the fact that you once lied to me on the phone and told me you had products in the salon that you did not have. Secondly, yes I come in every eight weeks because that's all I can afford at this time, and I do not like putting no lye relaxers in my hair. If you did not want to do my hair because I can't come in more frequently you should have let me know.

Regardless, drama or no drama, bad attitude or none, you were not honest nor professional with me and that's the point.

As far as you fixing my relaxer, no thank you.

Best Regards

(my name)


i dont use no lye ,and i extended the the offer in good faith without payment and a apology.


Well as I previously said in the first part of the letter he offered to redo my perm for 45 dollars not "without payment an apology". Honestly I wouldn't let him touch my hair now because now he's probably pissed off and there is no telling what he'd do to me. I just thought it was halarious how he was trying to defend his actions and argue with me about stuff I didn't even say instead of admitting he was wrong. Fortunately I have a new stylist who is dedicated to healthy hair.


We should all send him individual letters and let him know we are a movement and when he messes up with one, he messes up with all!!! LOL. LMAO. Boy would he be pi##ed!!
I really like that you sent a letter. I think if more people would do that we wouln't have all of these crazy stylists. So I guess we owe you a thank you for voicing your opinion.
that is so crazy!!! last friday i got a touch up. the lady who did my hair was great and she rinsed the relaxer out thoroughly and neutralized three times. but that's not the point. lol. when i first walked in, there was another lady in there who had already had her relaxer completely applied to her head and was jus waiting for it to process but then the stylist who did her hair decided to take a lunch break. i waited 5 min for my stylist to set up. she based my scalp, applied the relaxer, and only left the relaxer on for about 10 min, and then rinsed. the other lady still had the relaxer in her hair by the time all this was done!!!! and then to top it all off, she did not have any edges to speak of. my are bad but her's were pretty nonexistent. i was jus like woooowww!!! this other stylist is really old school. she likes to let the relaxer "marinate". yeah...marinate all your hair right off your head!
this was a red flag:
(I also recall a previous service where you did not have enough color rinse for my hair, but told the shampoo girl to “stretch it”. My hair was half black and half my natural color, but you still charged me for the rinse without mentioning that the color not done properly.)

i would not have went back, sorry for your bad experience, off to read the rest of your post.
lol that was great! Im glad you told him about himself. dont even go back there apology or not, he doesnt dress hair well. And frankly I dont even think he care about hair care he just wants to $$$$. Great story. thanks for sharing! hope you find a great hairdresser soon!
You may be shy in person, but your written communication skills are on point! You told him! And you know what? It doesn't matter that he's not hearing it, you got it off your chest and now you can move on. He sounds like a big dope.
I love the way you express yourself in writing. The next time that I need to "check" someone in a letter...........I will be PM'ing you for help. Maybe that would cut down on all the MF's and b*tches in my letters. :ohwell:
His response was hilarious. It's obvious he's not sorry at all. He needs to take a customer service class - I can't believe he said you had an attitude whenever you came in his salon. Wow.
I love the way you express yourself in writing. The next time that I need to "check" someone in a letter...........I will be PM'ing you for help. Maybe that would cut down on all the MF's and b*tches in my letters. :ohwell:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: You just had me dying with that. I actually laughed out loud. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Good for you! I am so glad you wrote a letter and did not go in there all ignorant.
These so called "Professionals" need to know when we are not satisfied with their half a** service.
i did run low, you were the last client that day, and remember you called the the day of!!! and so i didn't have time to leave so one of my stylist gave me some relaxer for you.
Why couldn't he just tell you that when you called or when you arrived?
He knows he's wrong.
I am so glad that you wrote him a letter that was calm and to the point.

That is one of my pet peeves. Businesses nowadays just don't seem to care and really a lot of times the customer just doesn't let them know. Also him wanting to charge you to "fix" it is ridiculous! He was so wrong about you having a bad attitude and he really ought to be ashamed of himself :(
all that is not needed!!,you com in every eight weeks i did run low, you were the last client that day, and remember you called the the day of!!! and so i didn't have time to leave so one of my stylist gave me some relaxer for you.

It shouldnt matter how often you come. You are giving him business!!!! Stylists can be so ungrateful some times.:wallbash: AND FURTHERMORE I call the day of all the time but I still expect to get the same service if you say that you can fit me in. Ughhh I am soo pissed off at his attitude.
I love the way you express yourself in writing. The next time that I need to "check" someone in a letter...........I will be PM'ing you for help. Maybe that would cut down on all the MF's and b*tches in my letters. :ohwell:



I thought the OP handled this professionally and this is what all customers should do when they're unhappy....especially if they have no intentions of going back. We need to let these people know the exact reason why they lost a customer.
ugg he is trifling...I'm glad you sent him that email although I doubt that he is really taking anything that you said seriously...I would not have gone back to him after the color incident...I'm sure you will take this as a lessoned learned....
O M G... OP you handled yourself. I swear that was one of my stylists from old..who lets the "assistants" put the perms in.. I hate that. I pay top dollar for a professional to do my relaxer.. I ain't trusting one of your assistants... anywho..

His response was hilarious. It's obvious he's not sorry at all. He needs to take a customer service class - I can't believe he said you had an attitude whenever you came in his salon. Wow.

Mega Dittos! He also needs a ESL or writing class.
I really like that you sent a letter. I think if more people would do that we wouln't have all of these crazy stylists. So I guess we owe you a thank you for voicing your opinion.

we'd have them regardless. She was trying to be nice and respectful about it, but notice Ryan came back at her with an attitude blaming the bad service on her for calling on the day of and said that it was nothing but silly 'drama'.
good for you!

Although tbqh I would have stopped all correspondence after his first response. His spelling is atrocious, and what happened to capitalization? Is he talking to a customer or to his random friend? Ugh!:nono:
That's right...we don't have stand for poor service. I admire your courage to speak out. Hopefully, he will take this as a learning experience and treat his other clients better in the future. Fight the Hair Power:boxing:!
she likes to let the relaxer "marinate". yeah...marinate all your hair right off your head!


this was a red flag:
(I also recall a previous service where you did not have enough color rinse for my hair, but told the shampoo girl to “stretch it”. My hair was half black and half my natural color, but you still charged me for the rinse without mentioning that the color not done properly.)

i would not have went back, sorry for your bad experience, off to read the rest of your post.

Yea, I should have quit going after the bad color rinse, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and now my roots are a mess. :perplexed
Good for you!!!!!! I'm still tripping at him saying you come in always depressed about something.....What the heck does that have to do with him? Does he think he's doing you a favor or something? If he thinks you're being negative, why would he risk pulling that mess? I would be afraid you would snap on me and give you the best care i could :giggle: You are paying HIM, you're giving the favor. smh at some people.