anohter question for the naturals....


New Member
when you do your two strand twists, do you notcis that the ends of them are all fuzzy and not twisted (especially when done on dry hair)???

i ask because thats how a lot of mine first instinct is to cut it off! i know im a bit scissor happy...but they look like their damaged from afar...however, when i look at them closely, theres no split ends or anything...theyre kinda dry, but im still working on keeping my ends moisturized....

so, do you think i need a trim, or should i just leave it alone??
Personally (from what it sounds like) I would just leave it alone and not cut them if they are not damaged, they look like that because they are dry.
I love doing my twists with Avocado Butter. You can get from "" The Avocado Butter not only has moisturizing properties; it also has texturizing properties. I find that my hair is stretched a little and the ends are thoroughly fuzzies here! The products at From Nature With Love are pretty reasonable. Thanks to the website for Motown Girl, I purchased all my essential/carrier oils there. I also buy natural muds and other skin and healthcare products here. They also have special deals for members as well.

Good luck!
when moisturized, the ends curl up in a spiral sort of way. thats when it looks frizzy and uneven
I never twist my dry hair, but if I did, my ends probably would look fuzzy. Don't trim. It's not necessary. Just moisturize!
okay, thank you ladies....i will put the scissors away! i just had my aerobics class and i sweat like crazy, so im gonna rinse tonight...i'll be sure to put some moisturizer on the ends while its wet and i'll let ya know if it works!

thanks again...
There is no need to trim those ends. My ends don't frizz when I twist dry because I use a little butter or creamy leave on them before I twirl my ends between my fingers. When I twirl the end of my twist it creates a tiny curl that keeps my ends together.

Good Luck!
I hope your hair turns out the way you want it to.
yeah, i do the same thing....and most of my twists have that little cute curl on the end...but theres just some in the front (which is where i experience the most breakage) that have frizzy ends....because of the breakage, my ends are a bit thin in the front and top, so maybe its just that way because theres only a little hair that is that i making any sense??

well anyway, like you all said, if theres no split ends i have no reason to go running for the shears....