Annual $$$ Spent on Hair Products


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone:

I need your help. I am trying to figure out how much is a reasonable amount to spend on hair products in a year. I am appalled at how much money I have spent this year on hair & beauty products, clothing & accessories and want to set a monthly and/or annual budget.

This is what I have come up with for hair products and I need to know if it is reasonable and how much you guys spend or anticipate spending.

ETA: these are the products I envision using if they keep working :pray:.

My regimen is:
Co-wash 2-6x a week (Desert Essence Natural Conditioners: $5.50 for 8 oz) - $600
Detangling Conditioner 1x a week (TJ TTTT: $3.99 for 16oz) - $56
Cleanse 1x a week (ASIAN Coconut Cowash: $7.99 for 16oz) - $60
Deep condition (will use this as leave-in as well if I plan more than a day between co-washes) 1x a week (CJ Curl Rehab: $65 for 32oz) - $320
Moisturizers (Cush Cosmetics Buriti Butter: $17 for oz; LC Argan Spray - $7.99 for 5 oz) - $240
Gels & Stylers (Ecostyler Blue: $9 for 5lbs; KMF UMG: $5 for 8 oz) - $60
Butters & Oils (I will use oils I cook with; coffee butter, lemon butter blend from NDA) - $50

This totals to ~$1,400 annually. Does this seem reasonable or should increase or decrease the budget?
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Ogoma said:
Hello Everyone:

I need your help. I am trying to figure out how much is a reasonable amount to spend on hair products in a year. I am appalled at how much money I have spent this year on hair & beauty products, clothing & accessories and want to set a monthly and/or annual budget.

This is what I have come up with for hair products and I need to know if it is reasonable and how much you guys spend or anticipate spending.

My regimen is:
Co-wash 2-6x a week - $600
Detangling Conditioner 1x a week - $56
Cleanse 1x a week - $60@
Deep condition (will use this as leave-in as well if I plan more than a day between co-washes) 1x a week - $320
Moisturizers - $240
Gels & Stylers - $60
Butters & Oils - $50

This totals to ~$1,400 annually. Does this seem reasonable or should increase or decrease the budget?

I wish I could say yes; or even no for that matter. I think if your regiment is finite, yes (if it works for YOUR budget). But if you're still tweaking or in a transitional phase, idk...

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I spend about $600 Annually on my hair, my cleansing/detangling and co washing conditioner are one of the same for me. I would allot a good $200 towards my PJism.

I think 1,400 seems reasonable. Hair is a major part of a women's beauty, my mother works with a white lady that spends $700 every time she goes for a touch up to bleach her hair in Manhattan every 2-3 months.. now that is what I would consider extreme
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Shampoo & Conditioner - BOGO sale - 3x a year - $24
Qhemet Biologics BRBC - $16
Castor & Coconut Oil - $18

ETA: To answer the question, over $100 would a lot for me. But I also don't go to salons, get extensions, etc. I like simplicity.
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I wish I could say yes; or even no for that matter. I think if your regiment is finite, yes (if it works for YOUR budget). But if you're still tweaking or in a transitional phase, idk...

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I think I have my regimen down at this point. I may want to try stuff here or there, but I definitely have products that work for me.

I spend about $600 Annually on my hair, my cleansing/detangling and co washing conditioner are one of the same for me. I would allot a good $200 towards my PJism.

I think 1,400 seems reasonable. Hair is a major part of a women's beauty, my mother works with a white lady that spends $700 every time she goes for a touch up to bleach her hair in Manhattan every 2-3 months.. now that is what I would consider extreme

Thanks. The conditioners I want to use to co-wash are more expensive than the conditioner I use to detangle at half the size so I thought it might be prudent to separate them since I use way more to detangle than co-wash.

Great context. I have a goal to invest/save half of my income over the next year so I have to put myself on the world's strictest budget to accomplish it, but I want to be realistic.
Oh wow! I spend less than $200 a year (and that's being generous). The products I use are natural too. Are you using Wen? What conditioners work for you? (Just trying to figure out how you came up with that figure.)

I do my own hair, no wigs, extensions, etc. I forgot that stuff adds up!
Less than $200.
Yes $1400 seems excessive to me, but I style my own hair, make several of my staple products inexpensively, and dont buy expensive overhyped natural product brands often.

$240 in moisturizers?? No m'am, my Motions is $4 and last 2-3months and a bottle of $2 rose water lasts a month.

My most expensive product is Fekkai Glossing Creme @ $22, and dont let me figure out a recipe for thatLOL.

But its all about what works for your hair I guess, thank goodness my hair does well with simplicity.
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Oh wow! I spend less than $200 a year (and that's being generous). The products I use are natural too. Are you using Wen? What conditioners work for you? (Just trying to figure out how you came up with that figure.)

I do my own hair, no wigs, extensions, etc. I forgot that stuff adds up!

I do my own hair and don't use wigs etc. I'll put the products I intend to use in the post.

Less than $200.
Yes $1400 seems excessive to me, but I style my own hair, make several of my staple products inexpensively, and dont buy expensive overhyped natural product brands often.

$240 in moisturizers?? No m'am, my Motions is $4 and last 2-3months and a bottle of $2 rose water lasts a month.

My most expensive product is Fekkai Glossing Creme @ $22, and dont let me figure out a recipe for thatLOL.

But its all about what works for your hair I guess, thank goodness my hair does well with simplicity.

:lol: Your comment made me laugh. I have to rethink some things. I do my hair almost every day, I do tend to be heavy handed so I am trying to learn to reduce how much I use, and I use a mix of natural-based brands and drug/grocery store products. Also, I live in Canada so shipping is added in there.
I'm sure I have spent at least $500 annually on products. But I am working extremely hard to find what works for me.

So far, I have nailed down:

A shampoo-- Curl Junkie Curl Assurance Shampoo
A Conditioner/Cowash- Trader Joe's Nourish Spa and Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle
A`DC- Curl Junkie Curl Rehab (this may change as it is a little expensive for the amount)/Curl Junkie Repair Me

I'm still trying to definitively nail down a styler/leave in. I may have to look for a reasonably priced DC that works for me as well. Buuuuut, I was thinking...if I simply condition twice a month with the TJ's (which costs me $3 a bottle), I might be ok to continue using the Curl Rehab. I may invest in the larger bottle when there is a sale.
I own about 3000$ worth of products now but ill never spend over 600 on one year again it's just not necessary for me.
It seems I need to redo my calculation. I am obviously doing something wrong.

Wrong is a strong word. Have you nailed down your staples or Holy Grails yet? Sampling, experimenting, and trying out new products definitely add up. Also, once you zero in on what ingredients work best for your hair, I'm sure some of those products can be trashed and you can use just one product since the others are likely to be repetitive.
I used to spend LOADS. I mean, SERIOUS PJ-ism went on round here! But these days, I spend less than $100 a year. I'm trying to take it even lower than that.

There's too many great cheap products out there to be giving my money to everybody that whips up something. Everybody and their gandma is coming out with a natural hair care line because they know that we are going to want it.

Sally's beauty supply has a dupe for just about everything. Then we have Tresseme, and Suave, and Organic root stimulator, and so many more that I can't think of. Dominican products are even cheap for the giant tubs they come in.
It seems I need to redo my calculation. I am obviously doing something wrong.

I'm in a similar situation. I will spend about $360 this year on co washing conditioners alone. And I'm using cheapie Aussie moist. I cowash 3-7 days a week but my hair thrives. I'm going to try to stock up on things only when they're on sale...that's all I can come up with right now lol. And maybe doing some protective styles I wear for at least a week.
@Ogoma Since you are a frequent co-washer, have you considered trying a moisturizing conditioner from a wholesale company? Essential Wholesale is just one site that may have a dupe for the Desert Essence conditioner you use:

I hadn't thought of that. I love the Desert Essence conditioners, but I really really love the scents :giggle:. I should look into recreating both.

I am actually glad I did this exercise. It is good to see to what extent my regimen influences my purchases.
Wrong is a strong word. Have you nailed down your staples or Holy Grails yet? Sampling, experimenting, and trying out new products definitely add up. Also, once you zero in on what ingredients work best for your hair, I'm sure some of those products can be trashed and you can use just one product since the others are likely to be repetitive.

I have nailed down my staples, but I like a little variety to spice up my hair time :lol:.
The question is: do you derive pleasure from spending $1400/annually on your hair? If so, and your bills are paid, then what's the problem?

I've spent upwards of $2,000/annually on products, because sometimes it just feels so dayam good to splurge.
The question is: do you derive pleasure from spending $1400/annually on your hair? If so, and your bills are paid, then what's the problem?

I've spent upwards of $2,000/annually on products, because sometimes it just feels so dayam good to splurge.

I used to derive pleasure for my hair purchases, but my SO has invaded my consciousness :)lol:) and is making me feel vapid for all the money I spend on myself. Next year, I want to be in a place where I spend an amount where I don't feel deprived (I work too hard for my money, I have to enjoy it), but I would not be feeling guilty and wasteful as I do now.
I probably spent like 60 so what you're spending is too much for me.

But I'm not you, it works out to approximately $120 a month and that's probably not too bad for a lot of people. Especially if they get their hair done/wear weave.

Do you buy your products at the same time or interspersed through out the year?
I probably spent like 60 so what you're spending is too much for me.

But I'm not you, it works out to approximately $120 a month and that's probably not too bad for a lot of people. Especially if they get their hair done/wear weave.

Do you buy your products at the same time or interspersed through out the year?

so off topic but is that really power rangers hollering at that girl?
Thanks for the replies. I have done some revisions and I have settled on a number that works for me. For me, it is not just about hair spending, it is also about the amount of spending I do on me. I am not just cutting down on hair products, I am cutting down on everything else. Everything that needs to get paid and funded, gets paid and funded. But, I want to change the way I spend what is left. I want to spend my discretionary income on making me rich :lol:.

Thanks again. The different perspectives really helped me arrive at a number that is reasonable for me and allows me to not feel deprived. :kiss:
'Reasonable' is such a relative term. I will say for me personally (and sadly), $1,400 is probably what I will have spent by the end of this year.

What's worse is I know EXACTLY what my hair likes. My regimen has been set for quite some time, but that doesn't prevent me from auditioning new products (especially stylers).

My hair is my hobby. Am I willing to spend that much annually on a hobby? Clearly the answer is yes. So, the question is not what is reasonable to us, but rather, what do you feel is reasonable for your lifestyle? In the scheme of life, is that an insanely, ridiculous amount? YUP...and welcome :yep:.

For the past few years I have kept a spreadsheet of All the products, vendors, prices, shipping times and personal comments to keep track of likes and dislikes. This is how I came to realize all of the ingredients, products I love and conversely hate. For those with strict budgets this can help keep your spending in order and for those still figuring out likes and dislikes, this can aid in narrowing the scope.

I like the spreadsheet advice. I keep a list of the products I have in my stash so I can plan how to use things before they expire. I have tried and sampled a ton of stuff and I am ashamed to write how much I have spent on my hair hobby in the past year. There is no brand, herb, powder, oil, tool, etc that is frequently mentioned that I have not bought. If it were just hair, it would be a non-factor, but I also indulge in clothes, shoes, jewellery and all those funds is the capital I need to start the business my sister and I have been planning for two years.

I am getting older. I want to be more responsible now, plus I will soon be formally combining incomes with someone else. I owe it to us to be more responsible with how I spend our discretionary income. I regularly use about 10% of the shoes I have and have not worn almost a third. I don't want to ever get to the point where I make this decision because I am forced to, and want to be responsible and make it because I think it is the right thing to do for me.

Thanks again for your great comment.
Ogoma I love the scents of conditioners! :lol: I understand. I'm glad you were able to come up with a number without depriving yourself.
Ogoma honestly I don't know.... But I know I am now getting a $500 Visa Every November to spend on Hair products and supplies. I am no allowed to go over that. A joint decision, made by my DH and I. :) It keeps me happy while not over killing in his eyes.
My budget varies because a lot of the products I use are raw ingredients and many of them double as food and/or skin care products:

Coconut (food)
Olive (food)
Shea butter (skin)
Broccoli oil (skin)
Carrot oil (skin)
Aloe Vera Gel (skin)
Honey (food)
Essential oils
and the list goes on...

The rest are conditioners which my hair goes through like water, the occasional bottle of shampoo, stylers, etc.

Yes to Carrots Conditioner (I use as a leave-in)
L'Oreal EverCreme Conditioner (Doubles as a leave-in)
L'Oreal EverCreme Cleansing Conditioner
Trader Joe's Tree Tea Tingle (cowasher)
Giovanni Shampoo (usually only need to buy it 2x a year if that)
Whatever CG friendly DC I can get on the cheap (I usually mix things in anyway)
Henna and other herbs
Misc treatments (protein, clear gloss treatment, etc)

Things I mix
Fragrance oils - because I like things that smell good.
Ecostyler Gel - I use as a base for my "hair custard".
Shea butter - for the custard and shealoe
Other oils and conditioners from above.

I find the longer my hair gets, the less "stuff" my hair requires. Since I wear my hair in buns and other PS most of the time, something to moisturize and seal my hair is all I need for the most part after cleansing and conditioning though I go though a lot of it. If my hair was shorter, I would probably feel the need to use more stylers. I have bottles of stylers I got two years ago that I'm still not halfway done with...

I do my own hair, don't wear weaves or wigs.

Its hard for me to stick to a solid budget because the requirements for my hair changes often with the seasons and from year to year, but I do try to stick to the basics at least.
I say yes if the regimen works excellently for your hair and budget

Mine is $200 but it will be cut to a bit less since I'm removing certain products from my regimen. I used to spend $1,000 a year in salons.