Annoying Friend......


Well-Known Member
I have a so-called friend that I talk to every now and then. We would talk more often but she tends to get on my nerves A LOT. She loves to argue especially if she thinks she is right. :evil:

Well anyways, we went out to Denny's to eat. So as we were eating I was thinking out loud and I said, "Oh today is Monday I have to wash my hair" Now I didn't say this to start a conversation or anything I was just thinking out loud. So my friend says...... You have schedule for when you wash your hair. And I said yeah I wash it every three days. So then she says: Honey,..... you are not white! So I am just looking at her like no this beyotch didnt :mad: . I said I know I am not white but that doesnt mean that I shouldn't keep my hair clean. So she starts saying that only white people can wash their hair that frequently. And that we as blacks should not wash our hair that much because the water will dry our hair out. So then I said well does that mean you dont bathe often because the water will dry out your skin. And her being a dumb a** she says thats what lotion is for. So I'm like your right, we have moisterizers for our hair just as we do for our skin. The amount of times you wash doesnt really matter you just have to keep you hair, especially your ends moisterized. So then she says your the only black girl that i know that washes their hair that much. So I asked her how frequently she washes her hair and she said once a month :eek: (making a mental note to NEVER use her brushes or combs)! I thought she was joking but said she is dead serious. Then she had the nerve to call the waitress to our table and asked her how frequently she washes her hair and the waitress had this look like, that aint your business. but the waitress said that she washes her hair every other day. So my friend says to me well... dont come crying to me when you end up bald headded. I was like, trust me I wont! Cuz that wont happen. Now I know to never speak to her again!

I was just wondering if anyone has had people in their lives, wether friends or family members, giving you negative ramarks about the things that you do to your hair or the amount of time and/or attention you give to your hair. :ohwell:
I would just blow it off. Your hair will speak for itself as time goes on, and she will probably be the first one running to you for advice.

No one says anything negative to me about what I do to my hair or how often I wash/condition it, because it just keeps getting healthier and longer. So will yours!

And out of MORBID curiosity, what does her hair look like :scratchch ?

Ballet_Bun :driver:
Wow! That was crazy! I've a had a few similiar comments. I don't know, but it's kind of weird how other people think they know what's best for *your* hair. If she only washes her hair once a month, I could just imagine how her hair would smell like and how it would feel.
People tend to be like that until you show and prove.

My own mother was from the school of thought that you don't have to go to the salon every week. She thought that the stylists were just trying to "get my money". Now, I'll give my mother credit, she took really good care of my hair when I was young; she never let me get a relaxer until I was in my teens and never over manipulated my hair.

None the less, her thinking was outdated. I started going to a black salon and my hair was looking terrible, started getting shorter and shorter, required much more cutting, because the stylist was frying my hair with the hot-curler. Of course, this proved my mother was right.

BUT THEN, I found a stylist and regimine that worked for me. I started going to the dominicans, upon recommendation from a friend who said she always had problems growing her hair out and she had very long hair at the time. My hair started to look better, healthier and finally grew back out.

Flash my momma is the hair expert. ;)
She goes to a dominican salon every week and will call me to tell me about a new product.

Don't waste time explaining yourself to people who are non receptive...just show and prove :)
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I agree with Webby. The proof is in the pudding. Keep doing what you're doing if it's working for you, and your hair will continue to thrive. Eventually, she'll see how your hair is growing and hers insn't. Soon enough, she'll be asking you to help her tweak her routine. ;)
thankx for your response guys. And by the way her hair looks a hot mess. It is soooooo stiff, crispy and dry! And then her hairstyles doesn't do her any justice. She always get those high helicopter ghetto hair styles. And then she leaves them in for so long until it starts looking like a matted rug. Her hair do is always a hair dont!
WOW..that is messed up! Question..what nationality was the waitress. Man, your friend's offense..must be pretty gross only washing it once a month..ya know.

You'll show her though!!:lol:
I had a few sarcastic remarks about how "obsessed" I supposedly was about hair and the fact that I had a website about my hair :eek: :eek: :eek: ...:lol: ....but nothing as extreme as what your friend did! :lol: :rofl: :lachen:THAT WAS HILARIOUS!!!:rofl:Your responses were great though, very funny! :lol:
My mum is like that. She was like i have to wash my hair every 11 days and i was like "wtf???". I told her i wash every 3 days and she was like. " oh no!!. You're washing upsetting the ph balance". And i was like, "huh"? What do you know about PH balance. She saw me using the ACV for my hair and said what next are you going to put on your hair? potatoes? I just ignored her.
girl i feel where you are coming family and friends dont really bother me about how much i put into my mom buys me products that she knows i like and might be running low on...
however on the other hand my room mate thinks its silly how much i wash my hair(only once or twice a week), she says i act white for not putting grease on my scalp, and that all my hair is going to break off because im stretching out my relaxer for 6 months*im on month 3:)*...but bump that, i dont really pay no mind to people like this, cause like others have said you know your doing right for your hair and it will eventually show. =)
RushGirl said:
WOW..that is messed up! Question..what nationality was the waitress. Man, your friend's offense..must be pretty gross only washing it once a month..ya know.

You'll show her though!!:lol:

The waitress was black also.
WOW!!! Just keep doin' your thing and she will I mean SHE WILL Come to you and ask you...

" so what do you do to your hair"

People say all sorts of things....just brush it off
So far, I haven't had this kind of conversation, thank goodness. If my family knew I washed every 3 days, they would probably make the same remarks to me.