ANGIE10!!! I'm shouting you out girl!!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone checked out her album? She's made great progress! Her hair looks so healthy and shiny! Angie, you're definitely an inspiration for me to keep trying with my hair!
locabouthair said:
Has anyone checked out her album? She's made great progress! Her hair looks so healthy and shiny! Angie, you're definitely an inspiration for me to keep trying with my hair!

Thank you so much locabouthair for the shoutout. I'm happy and honored to be an inspiration to you and a few others. I really wish I have my fotki in order, I have been looking for the right time to make it look more decent.:lol: I was shocked to see my name, I haven't been on here for days. Thanks again, it's people like you that actually keeps me going.:D
^ no problem girl. I've been looking at your album for a while and I wanted to let you know I enjoy looking at your progress. You grow girl!:)
locabouthair said:
^ no problem girl. I've been looking at your album for a while and I wanted to let you know I enjoy looking at your progress. You grow girl!:)

Thank you:kiss: I will be looking forward to seeing your fotki soon.:D
Angie, I was just lookin' in your fotki the other day, too. After seeing that shiny, healthy looking hair in your siggy, I just had to look at that fotki.:) So beautiful.:)
Her hair looks shiny and healthy!
angie10 said:
Thanks Letitia, you have always been one of my hair idols.:)

Thanks lady. You know I love coming in your fotki. You are doing it up big! I just look at your hair and smile.
Ambitious1013 said:
You have made great progress and your hair looks wonderful! Keep up the good work!! :)

Thanks Ambitious, I'm amazed by your progress. I will keep doing what I'm doing.:grin:
Angie, I bought some Fantasia Hair Polish tonight hoping I can get the same bling that you got going on in the siggy.:) Hope it works for me like it does for you.