Angie Martinez Hair Show


New Member
Hey LHCF ladies in the NYC area. I was wondering if you guys are going to the Hot 97 Angie Martinez Hair Show & Beauty Expo on November 24 @ the Hammerstein ballroom?

I'm still wondering if I should buy tickets.
I heard about this. I would go if I was going to be there. Sounds like fun. Go get the dirt and bring it back to us, please?:grin:
Funny you should mention this..My good friend called me a few days ago and said that she purchased two tickets for her and I to go. I can't wait...Between work, grad classes and studying for the LSAT I wanted an excuse to chill for a day. I luv my friends!!:grin:
I have been hearing alot about it on the radio, I am looking forward to it. I'll have to remember to write up some reviews on it afterwards.