Angels, Demons, Exorcism: Spinoff from Ghosts thread


Child of THE King!
I was reading the Death and Ghosts thread in the off topic discussion and it got me thinking about this topic. This can be a heavy topic and tends to sound kinda weird after a while so I want to tread carefully. hahaha

I guess I'll start off my asking if anyone has seen an exorcism or had an experience with an evil spirit--or angel for that matter.

I've had one short experience, but I want to hear from you ladies first. :grin:
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No I have not-but I've encountered people that I believe to be mainfestations of evil spirits here on earth (aka family). Now tell me your experience lol.
I have seen a few in that really freaked me out was this lady came up front to be prayed for i dont know what for but the preacher laid his hands on her and he said demon come out and the lady fell to her knees and started barking and what not, then she started vomiting green stuff and eventually the demon left her and as the demon was leaving everyone in the church felt this cold wind down around our ankles . i have a few more but i dont feel like typing! ;)