Angels and Archangels

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
What do we know about them? I'm curious about these beings who I believe fuction in the earthly realm as well as the spiritual realm. Can anyone recommend a good book that talks about angels, and their hierarchy in heaven? I know they will play an important role in terms of the final battle with Satan. What else can I find out about them?

This is the ultimate book on Angels, I plan on purchasing it:
Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels by Gustav Davidson
I have a book on spiritual warfare prayer, it has a list of angels and there roles in the kingdom.

Mighty Angels-These are heaven's warriors-God's fighters (see Ex 33:2 & Rev 10:1)
Guardian Angels-New converts(guide them)
our children
our older people
missionary children(see Luke 22:43 & Ps 34:7)
Ministering Angels-Ministers to the needs of sints
spiritual (see Heb 1:14)
Elect Angels-Ministers to the need of the church(see Acts 12:11)
finances influence
Archangels-To remind us of the coming of the Lord
end time prophecy
that our time is short (see Zech 1:13)
Cherubims-Protector of God's Holliness(see Ps 99:1 & Gen 3:24)
Seraphims-Angels in charge of salvation
revival(see Rev 22:16, Isa 6:2 & Isa 6:6)

This is a really good book, its not about angels, iits about expanding our prayer time. The author is Judy Doughty. She is a very good teacher, she was guest speaker at my church a few years ago for our ladies retreat.