Anemic Related Hair Problems !



I just found out a little over a month ago that I was anemic. Now I take iron pills that have 65mg of iron. I was taking another one that only had 18mg, and she said it wasn't enough, and that I needed more to correct the problem.

In any case, has anyone here experienced dry scalp and hair as a result of this. At first I was thinking that it was just the dry climate here. Did the iron supplements seem to correct the hair problems? What else besides the iron did you use to help/correct the effects of the anemia on your hair?

Ballet Bun ...
Iron is an important one. I have a blood condition where I take extra iron also. You are taking a good multi?
I am anemic but I don't know if it has affected my hair too much or not. Unfortunately I have an absorption problem so taking iron supplements doesn't make my iron levels normal, just better.

BUT I think you may have something here with the dry scalp thing. My hair isn't really dry but my scalp is extra super dry! I have been known to wash in the morning and by the afternoon my scalp is itching and flaking. i don't know if it is a result of the anemia, though, but it's definitely a thought.

Off topic- I think I take 720mg of iron a day!!! I'll have to check that again once I get home but if I recall correctly they have 240mg each and the doc said 3 a day!
I too am anemic and I take Standard Process's Ferrofood 2 caps per day. I was told by a nutritionist that this formula of iron is best absorbed by the body. All iron isn't absorbed very well and some will constipate you. This Ferrofood works very well for me and I've seen the test results to prove it. My hair condition is also proof.

Several years ago I took a different kind of iron and I know it wasn't absorbed well because I felt tired a lot and my hair was dull and lifeless. It was growing but it seemed to be growing very slowly. I stopped taking that iron (can't remember the reason) and my below shoulder length hair started breaking off quickly. My scalp was very dry also. It took me a while to figure out my hair situation was due to lack of red blood cells and no iron supplements. I thought it was due to something else and was putting things on my hair.

I ended up calling a good nutritionist in my area and he told me about Ferrofood. My hair condition started improving after about a week but I had lost a lot of hair by then. My hair was noticeably shorter. I learned I cannot be without good iron supplements, ever, for the health of my body and hair. I know I sound like a commercial (Standard Process should pay me for this! LOL!) but this particular iron works very well for me. My hair is longer again and is growing at a good rate. And my scalp is no longer dry.

I'm not doing so at the moment, but I was also taking chlorophyll (along with my iron) which also builds up the blood.
This Ferrofood sounds interesting. I used to take Ferrous Sulfate and it totally wasn't being absorbed. So they switched me to Ferrous Gluconate (which absorbs better) and they advise me to take it with orange juice (which also aids in absorption). Do they sell the Ferrofood in regular pharmacies or do you get it online? I have 10 days of supplements left and I may try the Ferrofood before I get my bloodwork redone in October or November.
I get mine online at Just click on Standard Process on the left column. All Standard Process products are 20% off thru September. I need to order some more since these are pretty good prices. Below is some info from their site and on Ferrofood.

Ferrofood Provides A Natural,Organically Combined Source Of Iron Derived From Whole Food

Ferrofood is used for anemia, iron deficiency, low RBC count, pregnancy.

40 caplets - 4325
4325 Regular price: $8.00 Sale price: $6.40

Ferrofood ®Bottle contains 150 caplets - 4375

4375 Regular price: $24.00 Sale price: $19.20


Content Product No.
40 Capsules 4325
150 Capsules 4375 Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 1 Capsule
Servings per container: 40 or 150
Each serving contains: %DV
Calories 2

Vitamin C 30 mg 50%

Vitamin B12 1.7 mcg 30%

Iron 10 mg 60%

Sodium 10 mg <1%

Suggested Use: One capsule per day with food, or as directed.

Proprietary Blend: 405 mg
Bovine liver, bovine bone, carbamide, defatted wheat (germ), porcine duodenum, bovine spleen PMG™ extract, bovine adrenal, carrot (root), oat flour, veal bone meal, choline bitartrate, bovine spleen, ovine spleen, citric acid, porcine stomach parenchyma, dried alfalfa juice, mushroom, Tillandsia usneoides, peanut (bran), dicalcium phosphate, licorice (root), potassium para-aminobenzoate, magnesium citrate, flaxseed oil extract, bovine liver fat extract, and mixed tocopherols.

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, ferrous
As you can see from my signature I take ferrofood also. I also ordered 2 big bottles from spinelife!

I'm glad to hear of others results with this product! Yay!
Do you have any stomach problems with Ferrofood? When I try to take iron, it upsets my stomach something awful, unless I take a buffered iron, which presciption only.
It doesn't upset my stomach. Not at all. Standard Process has an EXCELLENT REPUTATION.
Your post piqued my intrerest. Here's why:

In early June, I attempted to donate blood. While the preliminary tests were being conducted, it was discovered that my hemoglobins were low, and therefore, I was unable to donate. I mentioned this to my doctor about a week later, who, while conducting blood tests, informed me that I am a borderline anemic.

Since late June, I have been taking FemIron tablets. My overall health, including my hair, seem to have improved.

FYI: This is the first time I have ever had issues with my blood. While I believe the overall quality of my health - physical and emotional - is better now than it has been in six years, the FemIron tablets have made a difference. Then again, I used to take a multivitamin daily, but ceased about a year ago, as I believed that it was partially responsible for my considerable weight gain ( it was not, actually). I have since lost 40 of the 60 pounds since June 2002, and am considering resuming my daily multivitamin intake.


P.S. I was unable to purchase FemIron tablets locally. Therefore, I ordered them from the
Ballet Bun, I am by no means an expert on supplements - this is where a post from Jade 21 would help - but do you think taking flax seed oil or evening primrose oil would help ease the dryness of your scalp? I have no idea whether or not I'm anemic but Minnesota gets *really* dry and cold during winter (perhaps that's why a lot of Norwegians and Swedes settled here - similar climate?) but anyway, I found taking EPO helped a lot.
When I was extremely anemic...I took iron with vitamin 'C'.
which helps the iron absorb. I took it twice a day..then when I went back for a blood test and my levels were normal my doctor cut it back to once a day. Evenutualy it was every other day...because you can over do the iron. My hair stopped shedding as much once I wasn't anemic anymore...Also remeber being anemic can cause you to have less endurance because the red blood cells carry oxygen....( I have asthma so this was not a good combo). I didn't think it would make any difference as far as my energy level..but it did.
My anemia was severe. I let it get out of control. My hair was dry like straw and then it fell out in chunks. If somebody even looks like they want to mess with my iron supplements now, they are in for a beat down

Take your iron. I take slowFe. If you're taking a multi with vitamin c, you should be good to go. I ALWAYS take mine with a snack. Talk about nausea.......... I also take them at bedtime sometimes. Whatever works. Just take them. And deep condition your hair often. I had stubble in a couple of areas. Today I got my hair braided and the braider was surprised at the growth. My cabbage patch has grown so much! Hope this helps.
Ballet Bun,

I'm so sorry about the iron-deficient anemia problem. I've been there myself and even being slightly anemic can affect the state of your hair.

I just want to direct you to two things. First, check the Health and Fitness Section here and do a search for Anemia. We had a thread going there for a while.

The other thing, which is also mentioned in the thread, is to talk to your physician about taking iron bisglycinate. It goes by the name Gentle Iron by Solgar and many other companies. It is by far one of the best iron supplements on the market and works FAST. You will feel better in 1-2 months and will start seeing the effects in your hair, too. Not only is this form a natural source of iron, but it's virtually impossible to become toxic when taking it. It basically adjusts to your iron status, and most importantly the interplay of your iron stores which can take many, many months to build up. Plus, there are no unpleasant side effects like constipation, nausea or vomiting which ferrous sulfate can produce. You can purchase this iron supplement at any health food store.

Sweetcocoa is right about the Vitamin C. It and B-12 enhance iron absorption. Nyambura is right about the essential fatty acids helping your dry scalp. Plus, these will help your follicles to remain strong.

When I had anemia, my major hair problem was very dry, brittle hair.

Your anemia is not that bad if your doctor recommended 65mg daily. People with severe anemia take much more.

The other thing which will help the anemia is to EAT WELL. Good nutritious meals over a sustained period will do wonders.


Ballet Bun, I am by no means an expert on supplements - this is where a post from Jade 21 would help - but do you think taking flax seed oil or evening primrose oil would help ease the dryness of your scalp? I have no idea whether or not I'm anemic but Minnesota gets *really* dry and cold during winter (perhaps that's why a lot of Norwegians and Swedes settled here - similar climate?) but anyway, I found taking EPO helped a lot.

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You know what, I will have to give this a try. It can't hurt. Thanks for the advice. I wish I had my book "Prescription For Nutritional Healing" from home, then I could look somethings up. I haven't found a good resource here.

By the way, I love your signature qoute!

Ballet Bun ...
I'm scared about becoming anemic. I don't eat very much, and my mom says that I'll be anemic and getting blood transfusions. What are the symptoms of anemia? I hope I don't have it! I know that this has nothing to do with the hair question, but I've been curious about this for a while. I know one time I went to the doctor, and they didn't take enough of my blood. Then they thought that I was anemic. Then the doctor saw me and looked under my eyes, no dark circles, so he ordered the nurse to take my blood again. I was healthy, but that was 2 years ago! I hope I'm not anemic now!
My energy is zapped so quickly now. Oh, and she wants me to take the 65mg Iron twice a day. I think I'm supposed to go back in three months to get retested. I guess it's not that bad, but boy is my scalp dry. One minute I can have all the energy in the world and the next it's gone ... so annoying.

Everyone ...thanks for responding to my post. It's interesting reading about other peoples experiences with this.

Ballet Bun ...
just to add my 2 cents..i 2 have severe anemia...meaning i hardly ate any veggies...i do now but b4 u couldnt get me to eat any i take a iron pill w/ a multi-vitamin that had iron in it as well...and i can actually say it makes a difference i take these 2 pills everyday with orange juice and i am good...i would have to say my hair use to be very dry but no longer..if u keep consistant with it u should be ok..good luck

p.s-ditto on the energy boy does it make u feel weak
My doctor advised me to get FerroSequels from over-the-counter 2 years ago before my surgery because I was too anemic to have surgery. They work wonders and have a stool softener built in....
just to add my 2 cents..i 2 have severe anemia...meaning i hardly ate any veggies...i do now but b4 u couldnt get me to eat any i take a iron pill w/ a multi-vitamin that had iron in it as well...and i can actually say it makes a difference i take these 2 pills everyday with orange juice and i am good...i would have to say my hair use to be very dry but no longer..if u keep consistant with it u should be ok..good luck

p.s-ditto on the energy boy does it make u feel weak

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I used to eat tons of veggies before I moved here to Norway. Half of my freezer was just filled with veggies. Vegetables are very expensive here. Whatever it cost in the states just tripple the price(or more).

I almost want to go back home just so that I can take care of my health and hair ... it's more economical at home!!!!
That's it... I'll just make myself buy some brocoli and carrots ... I love veggies!!! Keep in mind, this is coming from a Vegetarian!

Ballet Bun ...
I just found out a little over a month ago that I was anemic. Now I take iron pills that have 65mg of iron. I was taking another one that only had 18mg, and she said it wasn't enough, and that I needed more to correct the problem.

In any case, has anyone here experienced dry scalp and hair as a result of this. At first I was thinking that it was just the dry climate here. Did the iron supplements seem to correct the hair problems? What else besides the iron did you use to help/correct the effects of the anemia on your hair?

Ballet Bun ...

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Well for me I'm taking S.S.S. Tonic. IMO I feel that this is a good supplement because not only does it offer high doses ( a safe amount though) of iron, but also has B vitamins that aid in hair growth and keeping your skin clear. The B vitamins are B1, B2, and Niacin.
I've learned that people with blood type A are more prone to anemia than any other blood type. This is mainly because type A's have very low stomach acid and have difficulty digesting or absorbing vitamin B-12.
I read that B-12 deficiency is responsible for "pernicious anemia". I am a type A. Type AB's can have this challenge also.

That reminds me, I need to buy more B-12 and take it in addition to my B-100 complex vitamins. I get the sublingual tablets (dissolved under the tongue).
Ballet Bun, I am by no means an expert on supplements - this is where a post from Jade 21 would help - but do you think taking flax seed oil or evening primrose oil would help ease the dryness of your scalp? I have no idea whether or not I'm anemic but Minnesota gets *really* dry and cold during winter (perhaps that's why a lot of Norwegians and Swedes settled here - similar climate?) but anyway, I found taking EPO helped a lot.

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You know what, I will have to give this a try. It can't hurt. Thanks for the advice. I wish I had my book "Prescription For Nutritional Healing" from home, then I could look somethings up. I haven't found a good resource here.

By the way, I love your signature qoute!

Ballet Bun ...

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Good luck with the EFAs. I hope they work out for you.
And thanks about the signature quote. I like yours too.
I'm not 100% what all the symptoms are. I know when I was diagnosed I was tired all the time..... and cold! It was 70-80 degrees outside and I had a sweater on!
I knew something was wrong. When I went to the doctor he said I was anemic.
Hi ballet bun:)

I live in Norway (Oslo) as well.
Do you live in Oslo?


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No, I live in Rogaland in Klepp Kommune.

Are there very many decent Beauty Supply stores in Oslo? You just have ta' tell me.

Ballet Bun ...
Re: Anemic R elated Hair Problems !

Balett bun
Yes, there are 8 decent Beauty Supply Store in the center of Oslo that I kwon about.

I can just imagine that in Rogaland Kommune have to be difficult for you to find a decent Beauty Supply for black hair types.

Have you been in Oslo?

There is possible to order producst from those 2 store in Oslo.

The best is to give them a call, because they have so much more to afford. So the best is to order by calling.

Re: Anemic R elated Hair Problems !

WOW Hiza... thanks for the links. I will have to give them a call. I wonder if they have Wild Growth Oil. I should just make my way down to Oslo sometime.

How long have you lived in NOrway? Do you like it here?

Ballet Bun ...